God's Gift to Mankind: Michael

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Once upon a time, in a place far above the earth, heaven as they called it was hustling with activity

"Morning God" Gabriel smiled as he flapped his wings and passed by the head office.


"what's the matter creator? You look troubled"

"Nothing. I was just looking down at these homo-sapiens. I thought I had created beautiful, free thinking creatures but they have turned out to be selfish, jealous unthinking beings who just conform to the larger social order created by someone among them, pretending to be more powerful than the rest. They've constructed for themselves these labels of race, gender, class, caste, religion, nationality and what not and in trying to fit into each of these labels they lose themselves become stressed and call out to me. And they're not just destroying themselves but all my other creations too. Looks like I made humans but forgot to instill humanity in them"

Gabriel wasn't human and hence couldn't bear to see his creator so sad. He thought for days at a stretch for some solution to turn these soulless creatures inhabiting the earth to god's creations. Then one day an idea struck him and he immediately flew to the head office.

"Boss, I've got it. I've found a way to turn humans around. You must create a new species. One that not only looks human but also behaves like one. You must give it the best of everything so that the others might learn and change"

"that indeed is a great idea Gabriel. Thank you. I'll start right away"

And so, God began creating a new creature. Six days passed by but the masterpiece was not complete and so heaven did not rest on the seventh day but continued working. The angels roamed from corner to corner taking the best from every creation and bringing it to god. innocence of the child, intellect of the adult, love of the mother, care of the father, the strength of a woman, the softness of a man, the scent of the flower, the sweetness of the fruit, sparkle of the star, work ethic of the ant, cuteness of the kitten, powerfulness of the mountain, flow of the ocean and to top it all of smile of the angel.

"it's ready" the creator called and all the angels came running to see the new being. It was a sight to behold, each angel standing on their tip toes to see the little creature. With tears in their eyes and pride in their heart they beheld the little creature

"Michael" the creator exclaimed as he raised the little baby "A gift from God"

All the angels cheered as God caressed little Michael's cheeks. "go little one, go and teach humankind how to live" god said and poof Michael vanished.

Somewhere far below in a little town Gary in Indiana, Katherine gave birth to a little baby boy and despite suggestions of names like Ronald and Roy she decided to call him Michael because somewhere deep down in her heart she knew he was a gift from God. All angels eagerly watched from above as the years passed by.

The little boy had exceptional talent for singing and dancing, but this was used against him and the little child was made to work like an adult. His talent snatched away his childhood. Fame came, it was bound to, Michael was so good after all.

Those times were glorious. Michael rose to heights of success that no human ever could. The angels rejoiced but soon...

Humans: look Michael Jackson is bleaching his skin. His black skin is turning white

Michael: No, please don't say that. I'm not doing anything it's nature's doing.

The thing about my baby it don't matter if you're black or white

Humans: Michael has a pet chimpanzee, looks like Jacko's gone Wacko

Michael: No, animals have to be cared for, just like humans. They deserve our love too.

Did you ever stop to notice the crying earth the weeping shore?

Humans: Michael's a weirdo. He's so immature. Why does he have an amusement park and zoo built-in in his house?

Michael: Because I wanted to have a place that I could create everything that I never had as a child.

It's been my fate to compensate, for the childhood I've never known

Humans: Michael's gay

Michael: I'm not gay.

Hey pretty baby with the high heels on, you're the one for me, the way you makin me feel

Humans: Michael's always surrounded by children, 'Peter Pan or Pervert?'

Michael: No! No! When I see children, I see the face of God. I would never harm a child. I would slit my wrists before harming a child.

This is for all the lost children, wishing them well and wishing them home.

Humans: Sicko, Jacko molested a kid with cancer!

Michael: No!

Humans: Wacko Jacko

Michael: but...

The heavens wept as they saw Michael being crushed by 'Humankind'.

"Call him back" the creator ordered dejected and heartbroken

25th June 2009,

'King of Pop Michael Jackson dies at 50'

Gabriel walked to the head office.

"How's he doing?" the creator asked

"Happy and at home with the angels"

"But I don't understand, he was the best of everything then why they did this to him" the creator wept

"Maybe because you gave them the best of everything when they don't deserve the best of anything.

"But there are some people who loved him and still do" the creator said

"who's that?"

"they've been called crazy Jacko fans, defenders, irrational supporters but I like the name they've given themselves.

The Moonwalkers"


This imagine is an attempt to bring to light the negative media coverage that Michael suffered from all his life. In both 1993 case and the 2005 case the media presented him as guilty even before the case went to court.

In closing I would like to quote from a placard that some fans had held during the 2005 trial.

"On behalf of humanity, Michael we're sorry".

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