Professor Jackson: Chapter 2

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No. Not today, I whine to myself. I’ve already made a big fool of myself today, I can’t face him. 

“you lucky girl” Rachel teases as we leave the class “you’re going to be alone with him in his office. What I wouldn’t give to be you. Don’t just discuss dissertation” she winks

“Rach, please, I don’t see him as anything more than a professor and don’t you dare put those dirty thoughts in my mind. You know how nervous I already am, please don’t make me more nervous”

“If you get nervous, think about his fine ass”


“bye, have fun” she says running off

“I’ll get you later” I shout walking down the hall. 

‘Professor Jackson: Head of English Department’ I stand in front of the glass door for a few minutes trying to steady my breathing. *inhale* *exhale* *inhale* this isn’t helping. I knock on the door softly. 

“Come in” 

“Hello Mr. Jackson”

“Miss Michael, come in, have a seat”

I sit on one of the two brown chairs placed in front of his desk.

“how was your summer break?”

“Good” I say, my monosyllabic vocabulary setting in

Prof Jackson looks at me for a second. Those brown eyes, they’re piercing through me. I avoid eye contact by looking down and fiddling with the pencil holder on his table.  

“Like the case?”

“Sorry?” I look up suddenly surprised by his question

“you seem to like the pencil holder”

“Yes, it’s pretty Mr Jackson” 

“Would you like some coffee?”

“No, I’m fine”


There’s an awkward silence. I look around while Mr. Jackson types something on the computer. 

“Are you nervous?” he asks suddenly looking up form the keyboard

“yes” I reply softly

“you don’t need to be, I know dissertation can be overwhelming, that’s why I’m here to guide you through it”

“that’s what I’m nervous of” I mumble under my breath


Oh no, he wasn’t supposed to hear that

“you’re nervous because of me?” he asks again

“a little”

“that’s too bad”

I continue to look down and fidget with the hem of my plaid skirt. 

“Miss Michael, look at me” he says in a buttery soft voice

I look up. Those eyes, those handsome brown eyes, they’re so captivating. I’m speechless. Dear lord how am I ever going to complete my dissertation

“You will have to talk to me Miss Michael, I am you guide”

“yes sir”


“Sorry Professor?”

“You can call me Michael when we’re not in class, Miss Michael” he laughs at the confusion of our names

“Vivienne” I smile. 

“Okay, Vivienne let’s keep things light for today. We’ll start with the dissertation tomorrow”

“okay, thank you Michael” it seems a little odd to call Professor Jackson by his first name but I guess that’s his way of making me feel comfortable and plus I also think Michael suits him more. It’s kind of cute. 

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