A little phone chat 2

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*a bit of sexual content ahead*

Michael pulls the bedsheet down and I open my eyes a little to see him standing at the edge of the bed in his golden pants. Even with my eyes half closed I can see Michael’s huge golden bulge. He smiles naughtily at me

“I know you’re not sleeping Sherrie pie, come on, you started this now you’ve got to finish it”

I pretend to snore softly. 

“okay if that’s how you want to play, let’s do it” he says and goes to the bathroom. My eyes follow him as he emerges with a tube of lotion. “If you’re not going to help me, I have my hands” he says taking the bottle of lotion and sitting down on the chair across from the bed in a way that he and all of him is clearly visible to me. 

“Oh, no” I mumble under my breath as I watch Michael rub himself through the golden pants. He begins to moan softly and I feel myself getting aroused. His melodious ‘Ahh’s’ and the sight of his big hands moving on the shiny fabric of the golden pants which is bulging with every passing stroke becomes unbearable to me. It becomes torturous for me to just keep laying still pretending to be asleep. I pull the bedsheet over my head to avoid seeing him but Michael pulls it down “No, you have to watch this. Anyways you’re sleeping so it shouldn’t bother you much” he replies and continues to stroke himself. 

His moans become louder and more descriptive. “Wow, it’s huge” he exclaims rubbing his hands back and forth and I can’t help but chuckle. Michael could really get aroused by just looking at himself. Suddenly I hear the sound of his zipper. This is killing me, I can’t take it anymore, but I can’t give up either, if Michael finds out that his golden sword is my hamartia, he’ll always use it against me. I know if look I will lose control but I can’t keep myself from looking. So, I open my eyes and peek a little. I see Michael’s gorgeous curls ruffled and flowing all over his face and his head resting back against the chair. His hand is inside his pants and he’s making sensual loud noises. I’m about to throw the blanket aside and takeover the project from his hands when realization dawns upon me. “If it’s still in his pants it means there’s no magic in his hands”. Michael is just faking it, if he was really aroused, he would have become hard and the golden cover wouldn’t be able to contain the sword anymore. 

I smile to myself feeling pleased that he can’t do it without me but at the same time my body is now all heated up looking at Michael’s pretentious but sexually sensuous act. He opens his eyes and looks at me and I can see that he’s a little disappointed. I push the blanket aside and get up 

“Finally!” Michael exclaims.

“Hey! You’re back?” I say pretending to have just woken up from my sleep. I look at Michael and act surprised “Michael why are you still in your golden pants and what the hell are you doing?” 

“Don’t play with me baby. Stop this act and let me make love to you, I know that’s what you want too”.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about Michael, I woke up because I need to use the washroom” I say and walk towards the bathroom letting the hem of my red silk robe brush against Michael’s legs as I walk by. I sway my hips a little because I know Michael is staring. I lock the door of the washroom and remove my robe. I’m wearing Michael’s favourite red lingerie inside the robe. He’s been a patient little boy and I’m going to reward him for that. Honestly at this moment more than him, I can’t wait to touch him and have him touch me. The sights I beheld a few moments ago have already made me wet. I long for his long slender fingers caressing down my body softly like a feather, his pink lips touching me all over and his sword stabbing into me mercilessly. 

I fix my hair a little and apply a dark shade of red lipstick which I know Michael loves. I apply his favourite perfume all over me and spray a little vanilla scented one at the nook of my neck and waist so that Michael can devour it. I fantasize about Michael’s sexy expressions and soft moans as I brush my hair. I have one final look in the mirror and go out ready to make the best of the night that remains. 

I glance around the room. The chair in which Michael was displaying his Oscar winning performance is empty. The door of the bedroom is also shut so he must be inside, I think looking around when suddenly I see the little bump on the bed underneath layers of blanket and pillow. 

“Michael” I call seductively

“Hmm” is the only reply I get. Okay so now he’s pretending to be asleep. I go to the bed and pull the covers off his face only to realize that he has actually fallen asleep. 


“Michael” I call again softly. I am about to shake him up awake but then I look at his soft tired eyes, closed peacefully and his little tummy gently moving up and down as he breathes deeply. I don’t have the heart to wake him up so I lift the covers a little and lay down next to him. I take the hand resting on his stomach and wrap it around mine. He shifts and turns towards me, pulls me in tightly and lays his head on my shoulders. In a few minutes my fast paced heated breathing slows down to become soft and in sync with Michael's as I fall asleep in his arms.

Sex with Michael might be like a buffet but cuddles with him are like home cooked meals, warm, cozy and peacefully satisfying. 

Michael Jackson ImaginesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ