Chapter 17

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Trevor's Pov

Why would Mara choose to come to China? My daughter sees me as a stranger. She has to accept me as her father before I go. I don't want to take her away or Mara will hate me forever.
"So Violet do you speak Chinese?"
I ask out of curiosity.
"Wo shuō, dàn bùtài liúlì." ( I speak but I'm not fluent.)
She says in Chinese which I don't understand.
"She said She speaks but she's not fluent in it." Yu Ran tells me.
"Violet, daddy doesn't speak Chinese." Yu Ran tells Violet.

"Rúguo tā yào wo xi huān tā, tā yinggāi xuéxí zhōngwén."( If he wants me to like him, he should learn Chinese.)
I wonder what she said that makes Yu Ran laugh.
"What did she say?"
I ask. Yu Ran chuckles.
"She said if you want her to like you, you should learn how to speak Chinese."
"Violet, please I can't learn Chinese that easily."
"If you love me then do it. I want you to prove it. Mom says when someone loves you, they must prove it before you believe them." She mutters.

How did Mara raise her? She's already hardened her heart. I'll have to speak to her.
"Well I accept your challenge."
"Good then." Violet says.
"What's your surname?" It dawns on me.
"Cameron Knight." She replies.
I smile looking at her. She took my eyes. Her beautiful blue eyes mirroring mine.

I drop them off.
"I'll come and see you tomorrow." I say. "You better learn Chinese sire." She bows dramatically.
If she wants me to prove my love for her, then I'll.

Third Person Pov.

Violet snatched the letter given to Qiuyue and began to read.
"Violet don't read it! It's for An."
"I've already read it. It's a love letter for him. The girl must be crazy. An doesn't like anyone."
Violet tore the letter.
"An will be really mad."
"Violet, who told you you could touch the letter?" An picked the pieces of the letter.
"Never touch my things." An warned Violet.
"But it's a love letter. You're just 10, why should you entertain that?"
"You're only 7, stop behaving like you gave birth to me." He said and walked away.

"Violet!" Mara called.
Violet ran to her mom in tears.
"Mom, An doesn't want me as his friend anymore."
"It's okay, he is just angry. You shouldn't poke around people's affairs. It's time to go home. Let's go." "I'm not talking to him again. I won't come here anymore." Violet scurried away.

She barged into An's room.
"An, wo hēn ni!" (An, I hate you.)
"Get out of my room." An blurted.
"Violet please calm down." Qiuyue pleaded." "No way!" Violet pushed Qiuyue. Qiuyue who is very weak, hit her head on the floor and fainted.


Mara's Pov.

"Violet what's wrong with you?"
I ask.
"You told me not to let anyone hurt me but it hurts mom. Also I didn't mean to push Qiuyue. She's my friend." She cries.
Yu Ran comforts her.
I approach Mr Lu.
"I am very sir. I'm resigning as Quiyue's nurse. My daughter is too much to handle right now. Please forgive her."
"Take that your daughter away!
I don't want to see you ever!"
"Okay." I say and we leave leave immediately.

How did I raise her?
She's absorbed every single nonsense I told her.
I just wanted her to be strong but this is too much. She holds so much hate towards the boy right now. I sigh.

Trevor barges into the shop.
"Mara we have to talk."
"We have nothing to talk about."
"Won't you ask where your daughter is?"
"Where is she?"
"She's in my car. She called me. She says she doesn't want to stay in China anymore. She says nobody talks to her. She feels lonely. She told me about some rules. Mara are you insane?"
He scoffs.
"I only want her to be able to defend herself." I mutter.

"You're only making her heartless. How did you end up this way?"
"It's because I met a moron like you!"
"Oh I understand so you couldn't move on. You still love me!" Trevor laughs.
"I don't."
"Oh yeah, you do. You're the one who chose to leave and you couldn't stop thinking about me? I who had no hope managed to move on."
"It's because you never loved me!" I yell.

I think he's right. I haven't forgotten about him. I still love him. I couldn't move on.
"No, I loved you so much. I know I lied but I really loved you."
"Oh yeah you sure did." I roll my eyes.
"Yes,you're right. I couldn't move on because you've ruined me!" I clap my hands. "You controlled my life and ruined it!
You always hurt me. I'm glad you've found someone who really understands you because I never did. We were incompatible." I hope my words hurt him.

"You let me. It's because you are so stupid. You couldn't make your own decisions, that's why you got bullied all the time. You are weak, so weak."
I slap him.
"You've said enough but don't talk about high school. I don't even know how I fell in love with you. All you've ever done in my life is to hurt me. That's because you're nothing but a bully. You're nothing but a bully!" I yell.

"Thanks for the compliment. It's been so fun hurting you."
I want to punch him. I want to kill him. I want to feed him to dogs.
"Now leave my shop, it's closed."
"I'll take full custody of my daughter."
"You'll have to kill me first. I won't let another woman raise my daughter."

"Enough!" Violet screams.
"Stop quarrelling. Please."
"Violet come with me." Trevor says.
I don't say anything. I just stare at Violet.
"I'll stay with my mom. I don't want a step mom. But I've accepted you daddy. I don't you and mom to argue anymore." She cries.
"Trevor go home." My mom tells him.
"I'm letting you keep her but I'll visit her whenever I want. Don't think of running away because I'll find you." He says and storms out of the shop.
I sniffle and hug my daughter.
She's the only thing I have left.
"We'll go back home, okay? Mom, it's time to go back home." I tell my mother.
It's time to face my past. It's time to move on.
I wipe my tears away.
This should be the last time I cry because of him.

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