Chapter 3.

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Trevor's Pov.
I don't know why I don't like Alex showing interest in Mara. The black dress she wore this evening was so seductive. I wonder what she's trying to do. She's such a hypocrite. She's trying to seduce Alex but I'm not going to let that happen. I don't even know why I kissed her. Seductive bitch. What hurts me the most is her laying her hand on me. She is going to regret it. Taking her to bed was out of my thoughts but now I'm going to do just that. Nobody touches me.

I open the door to find Mara at the door. "Are you here to apologize?" "Of course not, I've got dignity. I quit." I burst into laughter. "You quit?" "What's funny?" She asks. "Goodbye then" I shut the door at her. There's no way she is going quit. She wants money to treat her sick mother. She's not going anywhere.

I'm half asleep when Alex barges into my room. "What did you do Trevor, Mara is leaving"  "Let her go." "You idiot." Alex walks out. He seems so desperate. This guy really wants to sleep with her  tonight. Shit! I have to stop her.
Alex's intention is really bad.
I find them outside the house talking like nothing's happened. She looks too happy than normal.
Mara's eyes meets mine. She initiates a kiss with Alex. She continues to look at me. I clench my fists. I wonder why this act of hers is affecting me so much. I better leave them. She can sleep with whomever she wants.

I turn to go but the stubborn Trevor comes back. I approach the two love birds. "Mara, I apologize but please don't quit." "I changed my mind." She snaps. "Great, you should go to bed because business begins tomorrow." I say commandingly. She rolls her eyes and walks away. "Alex, stay away from her" "What!" Alex smirks. "Don't worry bro, I really like her. I want to marry her". Alex's words really shocks me. "I'm not a child Alex" I say and also walk away.

I actually knock Mara's door but she doesn't respond so I think she's sleeping so I enter only to realize she's not on her bed too. The bathroom door opens and she's wearing a seductive robe revealing her thighs. "Mara, you're so beautiful." I pull her closer and begin to kiss her and this time she responds to it. She turns away trying to catch her breath which makes her neck bare to me.
"Get out! I said get out you jerk!" She tosses a pillow at me. I come back to reality. She takes my hand and walk me out of her room. She's so sexy but I don't have a thing for black girls. I shake my head and go back to my room.

Why is she messing up with my head? I can't even sleep. Should I fire her? No I won't fire her. I'll take her back to her high school days. Mara, I'll destroy you. Now the game begins.

I wasn't able to close the deal and I'm so infuriated. I go to a pub and get myself drunk. Mara tried to make me stop but I didn't listen. The driver assists her to put me in the car. She places my head on her lap as if she really cares about me. I sit up and order the driver to get out. He is hesitant for a while but he gives up. I only want to be with Mara right now. Our gaze meet. "Why..why.." "Mara, how much do you want so that you sleep with me." She rolls her eyes. "I don't want to sleep you" She folds her arms. "and I don't want your money" she adds. I laugh. "Everybody loves money. I know your mother is sick" "So?" She snaps. "So be mine tonight and I'll pay for her expenses." I place my hand on her lap. She takes my hand off her thighs. "Trevor, you're drunk. You don't know what you are saying" " How much do you want?" I insist. "What I want is for you to leave me alone." I sigh. "Do you know you're the first girl to reject me?"  "I don't want to know." "I can be a better man. I...I can love you" Mara laughs. "You're so funny when you're drunk. I'm calling Alex." I snatch the phone from her.
"Fine, I give up but please don't kiss him again." Everything becomes black.

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