Chapter 7.

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Mara's Pov.
I can't believe what happened today. How could I allow that? I feel so stupid. I claim I hate him then I let him touch me. How dirty I feel. Oh Mara, you're so stupid.
Well, Trevor seemed very nice today. At the beach I almost forgot that I loathe him. I even kissed him back. Ughhh! I mess my hair.
"If you allowed him to kiss you then it means you like him." George tells me. "I don't like him, and I'm never going to like him. So please never say such a thing to me again." I playfully punch him on the shoulder. "But cupcake why do you hate him so much?" He lies down on my bed.
"C'mon I'm listening." "It's a really long story."

I looked so nervous on my first day to school. Mom tried her best to encourage me. "You will do great. You are my super star."  Mom's always believed in me. If mom was sure I'ld so great, then I would be alright.
With so much hope and anxiety, I took my first step to Garfield high. I hoped to get new friends. I didn't even have any friend. I went to lunch and no one sat next to me. I was already feeling dejected when Trevor started his nonsense. Sometimes I even think it's my fault for staring at him. Our eyes met which I quickly looked away. Seconds later, all I heard was "look everyone, don't you think that girl looks like my brownies?" I did hear that but I didn't know he was referring to me. I heard laughter but I still wasn't aware I was the joke. I lifted my face and every pair of eyes were on me. Fingers pointing at me. Trevor approached me, he ate his brownies facing me. "Do you want some?" I shook my head. I blinked and tears flowed down my cheeks. "C'mon baby, don't cry because when you do, you look so ugly. You're too ugly, so are you a girl? Guys she's got no breast!". I felt suffocated  so I tried to leave but I fainted.

"Mara, you were 13 at the time, it's normal for you not to have any breasts." "He humiliated me. If Jane hadn't intervened, I'ld have lost my self confidence forever." I sob and wipe my tears. "I'm going to pay him back." "Mara, forget it." "No! I almost forgot what he did to me.
"Mara, you're not that type of person." My brother is trying to change my mind but I've already decided. Tomorrow, I'll confess my 'love' to him.

Trevor seems to be distant today. He's behaving like nothing happened yesterday. Is it like that because I rejected him? I'll try to break that wall.
"Trevor, I'm sorry about yesterday, I couldn't sleep...I.." He cuts me off. "Please can you send this file to Evan?" He hands over a file to me and I'm stunned. Or was it one of his dirty tricks? Or did he just want to sleep with me? "Okay." I mumble and go back to work.

I'm so confused. How can he behave so normal? I sigh. I'm going to tell him I quit and see how he reacts to it.
"I quit." Trevor's facial expression doesn't even change. He still looks calm."You don't have to quit, you're fired." "What?" "You heard me." He says and leaves the office. I sink into a swivel chair. He fired me? This guy is unbelievable. Bastard!

I take my phone and call Alex. "Hello Alex, I thought about your proposal and I'm saying 'yes.'" "You will marry me?" "Yes."
Let's see if my marriage to Alex won't affect him. I smile feeling so satisfied.

"You what!" Jane exclaims. "I'm going to marry Alex." "Mara you're insane!" "I'll do anything to destroy him!" Jane holds my face. "You can't marry someone you don't love because of a person you hate. You cannot sacrifice that much for him."
I break down to tears.
I hate him, I really do.
I hate him so much!

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