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Elizabeth groaned when her pillow started moving. She wasn't ready to wake up yet and wanted at least another hour of sleep.

"Ellie, wake up." Paul's voice was so soft, if Elizabeth didn't have her heightened hearing, she wouldn't even have known he'd said something.

She opened her eyes and looked up, her tired eyes meeting Paul's amused ones. She yawned and sat up straight, stretching out before looking around. Embry and Jared were already shoving down the breakfast that Emily had made and Sam was helping her cook another breakfast for the rest of them.

"Morning sunshine." Paul winked at Elizabeth and she groaned in response, pouting at her imprint and letting herself lean into him again.

Her eyes widened when she felt Paul's arms wrap around her back and underneath her legs, picking her up easily and setting her down on one of the chairs at the table. The other boys laughed as Elizabeth glared at Paul, who smiled innocently.

"What's the plan for today?" Elizabeth spoke up, quickly grabbing the last piece of toast before Jared could. The animal had already eaten so much. She was starving.

"Emily's making lunch and going down to the beach and Paul suggested going cliff diving and meeting Emily at the beach that way." Sam explained to Elizabeth, who quirked an eyebrow at Paul, the latter already grinning at her.

When breakfast was over, Elizabeth quickly went to go change and everyone helped Emily finish making lunch and putting it in the trunk of Sam's car so she could drive down to the beach. They all waved at Emily as she pulled out of the drive way and then ran off towards the edge of the cliff.

Elizabeth smirked, standing close to the edge and turning around to face the boys. Her eyes quickly found Paul's and she took off her shirt, revealing the bikini top underneath it, and threw it at him with a wink.

"Catch me if you can." She grinned, swiftly turning around and diving off the cliff graciously, the boys cheering after her and Paul was left holding her shirt in his hands and watching her jump in amazement.

Elizabeth felt the rush of adrenaline as she neared the cold water below and closed her eyes in anticipation, taking one last breath before her hands broke through the surface of the water and she was surrounded by the freezing water, her body quickly adjusting so it wouldn't bother her.

     Paul wasted no time to jump after Elizabeth and the pack was enjoying their time together so much, they were unaware of the couple on the road watching them, Jake explaining to Bella that they were cliff diving and showing off.

     Elizabeth laughed when Paul resurfaced and swam over to her, still holding her shirt like it was some kind of trophy. She tried to stay out of reach for as long as she could, but Paul was faster and caught up to her, wrapping his arms around her and picking her up.

     Once everyone had jumped, they made their way over to the beach, where Emily had been watching them with an amused look on her face.

     "Having fun?" Emily asked Elizabeth as she neared her, leaving the boys behind her since they were still pushing each other and laughing at themselves.

      "Plenty." Elizabeth chuckled and sat down next to Emily on a blanket. Emily grinned and handed Elizabeth a sandwich, which she gladly accepted.

     "Did we bring music?" Elizabeth asked Emily, who nodded and handed the girl a speaker and her phone. Elizabeth grinned at Emily and put on Pon de Replay by Rihanna as loud as possible, grabbing onto Emily's hands and dragging her up so they could dance together.

Call of the Heart // Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now