Haunted House : Part Two

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"Killer? Who killed her? And how do you know all this?" Omkara asks her furiously.

Gauri looks at Inder in panic. Inder turns to Omkara to explain, "Our family from centuries has been able to communicate with ghost. My daughter also can. Gauri has been talking to Priyanka's ghost."

Omkara looks at them in shock then turning outright furious he shouts, "YOU THINK THIS IS A JOKE?"

"It's not a joke. You have to believe what we are saying then only your sister will get mukti and leave this world." Inder explains.


"We are trying to help your sister." Gauri explains.


"Omkara..." Inder gently starts.

"I want you both out of here this instant." Omkara furiously tells them.

"Let's go, Papa." Gauri gently tells him.

"Gauri..." Inder tries to stop her.

"We will come back later, Papa." Gauri tells him realizing that she had to somehow bring out the truth about Priyanka, like her father said it was her duty and only she could help.

"Don't ever come back here." Omkara furiously tells her as he turned back to check on his mother.

"This is my card. In case you need to..." Inder says as he kept his card on the table.

By evening, Gauri was again cribbing about the mighty Omkara Singh Oberoi to her new best friend. The best way for two women to bond was by bitching about the common guy in their life.

"Your brother is a pig!" Gauri says furiously as she paced the room. Then she smiles satisfied seeing the indicator on the Ouijo board moving to yes. Now she no longer had to hold the Ouijo board to communicate with Priyanka.

"Your poor mother, she fainted but that dog threw us out. Is it so hard to believe that ghosts exist?"

I know.

Gauri nods approvingly. "You don't worry, Priyanka. I'll make him believe that you had chosen them."

Thanx. I O U.

Gauri waves her hand as if brushing it away. "Is there any way I can make them believe? What if I talk to your mother when he is not around?"

She might not be able to bear it without him.

Gauri sighs.

Sorry Gauri.

"Don't be upset. I'll help you." Gauri tells her smiling.

I am sorry I scared u. I was trying to get u to notice me. I have been staying here alone all these months. There were people here but I couldn't see or hear them. Just notices the things moving around. You are the first person I saw and heard and when u felt my presence I was relieved but then I realized I was scaring u so I just didn't know what to do.

"No worries." Gauri says smiling. "But how come you didn't see anyone else?"

I know you live with your parents, I have heard you call them but I have never seen them or heard them. It is just you.

"Really? So you mean to say that how I can sense and feel you, you can only see me and hear me? I wonder if Papa is aware of this."

Yes that is right. Now you understand why only u can help me?

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