-To the secrets you keep.

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The next morning, Peter woke up with puffy eyes and a sore throat. He groaned quietly and continued to make his way to the kitchen after he was fully dressed.

"You look like crap," May noted. Strolling through the kitchen and preparing his bowl, whilst Peter grabbed the cereal and milk. "I feel like crap too," He mumbled. May shook her head and pat his back before going back to the couch.

He ate his breakfast silently, a lot in his mind.


After Peter got back from another normal day at school, he proceeded with his Spider-man duties. Considering he had been slacking off for three days straight. He put on his mask, a look of defeat in his face. Peter made his way from building to building, catching off robbers here and there. He also pointed directions to an old lady who gave him a churro. Here he was, munching his sorrows away while solemnly looking at the City he treasures the most.

He averted his gaze to a building in Brooklyn, he always hated that place, thus why he was trying to avoid it at all costs. Peter managed to take his phone and continued to bother Happy with useless information; like how he managed to acquire a churro and whatnot.

After putting back his phone he saw men with the Avenger's masks make their way to the bank. He shot his webs to a building and descended down, making sure not to make any sound. He managed to enter the building, trying to look intimidating by crossing his arms. "Did you forget your pin number?" Spider-man spoke with a squeaky voice. He wanted to curse his late puberty but there was no time, since the burglars perked their head up at him.

They started charging at the red and blue hero, hoping to get atleast a punch or two but failed miserably. He dodged all their attacks— thanks to the spider senses, but they started bringing out a weapon. Thor quickly pointed it at Peter who was shouting 'this feels weird.'

After a while of intense fighting they used another weapon which was aimed at Delmar's since Peter ducked the attack. He gasped and quickly went into the delhi, completely forgetting the burglars. They quietly sneaked out as Peter was too busy checking if Mr Delmar and his cat were okay.


He sneaked his way back to the fire escape and to his window. He cursed to himself once he saw his bedroom door wide open. He can't let May see he was wearing the suit, so he climbed the ceiling and crawled to the door, pushing it close. He then stopped attaching himself to the ceiling and turned around, not expecting to see a wide-eyed Ned staring at him like he just saw a ghost.

"You're the spider-man, from youtube," He clarified after dropping his lego death star. Peter was petrified, he didn't want Ned to know his secret.

"Is everything all right there?" May asked from the kitchen. Peter could smell smoke coming from outside, but burnt dinner wasn't the most important thing right now.

"No, I'm not," He quickly declined to Ned while pressing a button which made his suit fall of effortlessly, leaving him half-naked. Fortunately, May opened the door while trying to keep the smoke away, "I burnt dinner. Wanna get Thai?" May suggested at him with a sheepish grin.

He nodded briskly and told May that Ned won't be joining the two. After May left, Ned gave him a lopsided grin. He has so many questions for Peter, but Peter told him he'll answer everything tomorrow.

"Why is there letters from Freya on your table?" He asked when Peter was trying to let him leave his room. He gave Ned a disbelieving look once he realized Ned was snooping around his stuff.

"I promise I didn't read! I just saw who it was from. I was surprised when I saw Freya's name, since I remembered she's like... not here anymore," Ned pointed out but Peter just simply replied with an "I'll explain later."

After Ned left Peter, he quickly closed his bedroom door and went to the next letter he was supposed to read a while ago, but since he had his duties, it was delayed.

Peter was supposed to be doing his homework since his grades are slipping, but he wanted to read just one for tonight.

Hey Peter,

It's me again. Erm, there's no proper way to say this without sounding like a total creep but I just wanted to thank you for literally saving me from public embarrassment today. You must be wondering why Betty suddenly tried to push me on the hallways today, but that's a story for another time.

Anyways, I wanted to know if everything is alright. I heard from Liz that your grades are slipping and you're almost not cut for the decathlon team. I don't want you to leave decathlon— the only reason I signed up a week ago was to spend more time with you since we rarely meet in the photography club. Wow I really do sound like a stalker..

You know, Pete, other people are really worried about you. I know I'm not stressing it enough but they really are, especially Aunt May. She once came to my house and asked if you were there, I asked everyone too and they said Aunt May visited them frantically looking for you. Says you always escape late at night.

Where would you go Peter? Why would you make her worried? I am not friends with you but I knew that never before have you made such a ruckus that has sent Aunt May go ballistic and visiting all your classmates late at night. Wherever you're going or whoever you're going to, please be careful. Aunt May is too sweet to experience another loss in her life.

Love, Freya.

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