-To the guy with hazel eyes.

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        Peter remained speechless after reading the letter. This was Freya Quinn, the dead girl from Midtown. He of course noticed her a lot, considering she was close friends with Liz, but He didn't know she liked him for so long. The girl was just a mere memory, a hazy thought that crossed his mind. She died three months ago, that's what he was sure of. Freya is a girl described with many things, and cheerful was one of them. No one really knows how her father physically and mentally abuses her, no one really asked.

He felt a frown form up his lips once he realized that she liked him while he liked her best friend. That must've sucked. He tore his eyes from the first letter and proceeded to look at the second one. He hastily opened the mail and unfolded it,

Hey, Pete.

I saw you outside a while ago. You were early. You held a camera and the morning light seemed to make your face look ten times better. You probably didn't notice how your eyes would crinkle and light up when you talk about something you like. I heard you like Star Wars— not to sound creepy or anything, but you were talking rather loudly in the halls with Ned.— Is it bad that I never watched a single Star Wars movie?

Anyways, back to the topic. I actually saw you twice today and I couldn't help but be all giddy about it. Since Midtown is a pretty big school I rarely see you. But here you were, fixing up your tousled hair as you hurriedly walked to the next period. My heart sped up when you looked over in my direction and saw me, you smiled out of embarrassment and my heart skipped a beat. I consider myself lucky just to see that smile directed at me, I even told Michelle about it in chem but she just doesn't seem to get how I liked you, which I took offense at.

I mean, how can anyone not like you? You're more than a nerd. You're a sweet guy with a heart made of gold. I notice how you literally sign up for almost every after-school activities out there— knowing it would be good for your college application. Smart move, Parker. I was really tempted to join the Decathlon team because of you, but I know papa won't allow it. If he knows I'm gonna leave the city to go participate over a silly competition over science equations and stuff, he would go ballistic and probably kill me.

You know, Pete, you can always tell anyone about what's happening in your life. I know you push away the people that cares about you, but please just remember that you'll probably regret it later on. Just talk to someone, yeah? I can see you struggling about something, ever since you started losing your glasses and grew taller in just a span of a day, you started picking up fights with Flash, you usually don't fight back and be the bigger person. But it's cool that you've decided to stand up for yourself, just exclude the part where you embarrassed Flash like what he did to you. Vengeance isn't always the answer.

It was nice seeing you today. I just hope that I would see that smile directed to me again, I hope.

-Freya xox

But she never saw that smile for a long time.

Nostalgic | P. PARKERWhere stories live. Discover now