-To my long lost love.

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    Peter casually strolled through the busy streets of New York City, Queens. His headphones tucked in his ears while listening to rock songs. He felt the sense of calmness and serenity, after a long day of school and Flash's bullying, he deserved a way to blow off some steam. Usually he would be running of to a secluded alley and change into his suit whilst webbing his bag up securely on a brick wall. But his spider senses told him to just enjoy the walk and get home to May, it doesn't feel like something bad will happen, just something... melancholic.

He looked sideways after the traffic light turned green, signalling the pedestrians to start walking. He kept his eyes firmly on the street, making sure to keep a keen eye on everyone. After he crossed, he quickly went up to their apartment and opened the door, making sure to tell May that he was home— so that she wouldn't think he's some sort of burglar coming in— God, she was always on edge nowadays.

He pulled out the earbuds and set them off in the counter, making sure to look for wet spots so it wouldn't go all wet and broken.

"How was school?" May asked from her room. After a few seconds she came out wearing her round glasses. She crossed her arms to her chest, seemingly urging Peter to answer her question.

"It was okay." Peter spoke up quietly, not in the mood to be surveyed by her aunt. She knew that school didn't always treat Peter well, so she tried prying him to speak up about it, but as always he shuts her down.

She nodded, sensing the boy's unenthusiastic answer, deciding to bring out her phone for a Thai takeout. Knowing Peter, he would always feel better after being full from Thai food. "Takeout for dinner?" May wiggled her eyebrows in which Peter faintly smiled, he loved his aunt with his whole heart, but he can't tell her what's going in with his life or else she would freak. He didn't want to pass on the weight of his shoulders and share it with her. She deals with Uncle Ben's death everyday and adding up Peter's problem would make her worry more.

"Also, a lot of mail has been sent to you. Might wanna check it out later." She sent him a side-eye. May saw who the letter was from and it seemed to be from a girl at his school, she was happy Peter bonded over other people and not just with Ned,

He nodded and stood up from the stool, he walked to his room and sat down on his bed. The first thing that caught his eye were three letters, it was sat on his desk, begging him to open them. His spider senses also went ecstatic seeing the letters, it's like it knows what was inside and is dying to know what Peter thinks.

He grabbed onto it and opened the first letter, making sure to not get a paper cut.
He read who gave it from and his blood instantly turned cold. Freya Quinn.

He quickly unfolded the letter;

Hey, Peter.

This is silly and awkward but I had a major crush on you back in like.. third grade— I know, crazy right? Emphasis to the "had", now I probably have a non-obsessive crush over you. I'll probably be writing some crazy shit on my letters that are kinda dedicated to you, but let's be honest here, I don't have the balls to mail them to you so I wouldn't embarrass myself. I would NEVER send this to you in a million years, well, maybe until I die.

I know you're probably be reading this with confusion so um— I just wanna let out my bottled up feelings for you through the letters. I've seen this really cool TV show were the main character died and this Clay dude was given tapes from her and I just thought, "Wow, that's cool." And so I have this idea to write you letters because I'm a coward.

I know you probably don't know me or something, since biology formulas are more interesting than plain ol' Freya Quinn. I'm not discriminating your smart brain though— I personally think it's cute that you're one of the only nerds that I know that can be awkward but cute at the same time. Not that I watch you from afar, that would be weird since I know you have a crush on my friend, Liz Allan. I was super bummed when I heard about it from Flash, it got to the point that I wanted to lash out on Liz. I thought it was unfair that she got your attention just by simply being your chem partner ONCE.

Anyways, now that those toxic feelings are out I just wanted to let you know that I was always there for you, Pete— if it's okay if I call you that since I hear Ned call you that all the time and I thought it's cute, suits you— even if Flash keeps on bullying you I try to suppress my anger and not punch him in his cocky face. Did you know I was always calling a teacher when I see Flash approach you with that smirk that I oh-so-wanna-break. But you don't need to know that though, I prefer to handle things behind close doors. I did help you a lot— but those are stories for another time.

I gotta end this, it's too long and I really need to do biology homework which I suck at, really hope you'd help.

—Freya xx

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