Lily told me she thinks pranks can be fun, but only if they don't physically or emotionally hurt people. The Marauders pranks have caused some harm, that's why she doesn't agree with their pranking.

"Hey Lily, you can prank right?" I asked.

She furrowed her eyebrows, but answered nonetheless, "yeah I know a thing or two."

"Great! Cissa and I," she looked confused at the use of Cissa, "Narcissa, and I need to prank the Marauders. They thought eavesdropping was a good idea."

I went into detail about how Cissa and I have been pranking people since 3rd year. I made her promise not to tell anyone. She agreed once I told her the Marauders got blamed for all the pranks.

The pranking began when a 5th year Gryffindor started bullying Narcissa. After some careful planning we set fire to the boys robes in the Great Hall. No one was injured, we used a special charm to create a fire that isn't hot or dangerous, it only creates the illusion that it is.

The boy kept blaming it on the "bloody snakes" but Professor McGonagall, along with everyone else blamed the Marauders. The Slytherins were on the other side of the hall after all.

His face was hilarious. The Marauders were laughing so hard that Sirius fell off his chair, and took James with him. This helped further in allowing them to look guilty. It was a win-win situation. The Marauders always got on our nerves anyway.

Lily agreed on helping us. I knew it would be a bit awkward because Cissa isn't that accepting of muggleborns. I would just tell her to forget it for one second so we could prank them. She would do anything for me anyway, Slytherin loyalty I guess.

We parted ways and I made my way back to my common room. It was already 2:00am. We'd spent so long talking about pranks and school that we must have lost track of time.

James would be back soon. I decided too stay up to wait for him, he would most likely be injured.

I sat down on the couch in front of the fire but I couldn't help but notice how sad I felt. I went through the events of today to find a reason why I could be feeling sad when it hit me.

James and Lily are going to get back together. I quite enjoyed it when they weren't dating, as selfish as that may sound. When James spoke to me he never mentioned Lily once, only complaint in front of his friends. It made me feel like I had his full attention.

Wait why would I even want his full attention.

Because you like him.

No way. I cannot possibly like James Potter. He's my coworker, my friend, nothing more.

But you want him to be.

Damn you thoughts. Did I really like him? Even if I did I can't be with him. He is in love with Lily. We can never be together anyway.

It is best to just forget about these feelings. I probably just like the attention.

At 4:45am James Potter walked through the common room doors. He had blood dripping down his arm from a wound on his shoulder. A few cuts an scratches littered his face and his arms.

He looked surprised to see me still awake. I smiled softly before leading him to the couch. He winced as he sat down.

I took out my wand and worked silently to rid him of the wounds. I cast a spell to get rid of the scars as well. That bit is dark magic. Not all dark magic is completely evil. Some spells and potions are incredibly useful, as long as you knew not to go too far.

"Thank you." James' voice startled me. I looked up to see him smiling at me. I have him a smile in return.

"My pleasure." I got up too leave but James grabbed my wrist. I turned around and raised an eyebrow in question. He motioned to the spot next to him. I nodded and sat down.

We sat so close together that our shoulders and legs were touching. We sat in a comfortable silence for a bit before I felt sleep overcome me. Before I knew it I was resting my head on his shoulder and falling asleep.


I hope you all enjoyed that chapter! School starts on Wednesday and I'm quite excited. Though I'll definitely miss sleeping for far longer than I should ^^

I'm currently writing another story, it's a Regulus Black x oc fanfiction. I'm taking my time with this one though because I want o publish only when I am happy with it and when it's complete. It could take a while though.

It's confusing because that story is in 3rd person and this is in 1st person so I'm continuously confusing both stories. So if you see a mistake please point it out so I can quickly fix it <3

— mysticpanda xx

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