Chapter Eleven|| Master

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I slowly stir, back in my hut, back home. I lay still for a solid minute staring at my roof. Debating if I should even bother getting out of bed. I close my eyes. Alright me, come on. Sit up at least. I swing my body up. I place my feet down next to my jacket piled on the floor. I stretch and comb my hair from my face. Ugh, this is why I pin it. It's always in the way. I rub my eyes and freeze. My eyes widen. Somethings off. It feels like I'm not alone. I turn my head to be met with Ben. No, Kylo. I tense up. How did he get here? A healing scar down his face. I did that. "Y/n?" He's confused. What? Who cares. I grab my blaster next to me and fire a shot right through him. Literally. He disappears when I do. "What?" I mumble. I look frantically around my room. I start shoving my legs through my pants and as I fasten them, I feel it again. I slowly turn to see him. He raises his hand. "You'll bring Luke Skywalker to me." He orders. I scoff. It does nothing. He awkwardly lowers his hand. "You're not doing this. The effort would kill you." He notes. He looks behind him. "Can you see my surroundings?" He asks. "I'm gonna make you pay for what you did!" I hiss. "I can't see yours." He's ignoring me. His eyes wander up from my bare feet to my eyes. "Just you." The way he says it is so tender and he sounds so much like Ben. "So, no. This is something else." He decides. "Not that I mind seeing you." Oh, so he's Mr. smooth now huh? I relax my body. "I'm sorry about that." I point to his face. "I'm not." He forgives. "Now I've got a reminder of you. And a reminder of what you said." His voice grows lower and he approaches me. My words get caught in my throat. "That you still love me." His hurt eyes bare down into mine. I clench my jaw. I turn my head away. "Y/n listen-." "Y/n." Master Luke calls from outside my hut. "Luke." I turn away from him and leave the hut. "Hey, you okay?" He asks obviously about the hole I've put in the wall. "Just nightmares, I thought I saw something." I brush it off.


I stand in my hut listening to the rain outside. My jacket and blaster resting on my table. I feel it again. Kylo. I turn around to face him. "Why is the force connecting us?" Kylo asks. "Murderous snake, I hate you." I hiss. "Come on, Y/n, we both know that's not how you really feel." He takes a few steps closer to me. "I can feel your heartbeats fluctuate when I get closer. I can feel-." He steps even closer. "-your skin growing hot." He towers over me now. He moves calmly and gently but with purpose. "I wonder." His gloved thumb makes contact with my hip bone as he takes a gentle hold of me. I don't even try to move as he lifts my shirt up. "Did I leave you a scar as well?" He stops looking at the faded scar on my stomach. Master Luke couldn't heal it all the way, he needed some of his strength. "I did." His deep voice and familiar scent call me in. His eyes wander back to mine. His arm slips around my back forcing me against him. I'm so weak. I'm not even trying to stop this. Maybe it's because I want this. Maybe if I love him Ben will come back. While I'm lost in thought his plush lips timidly meet mine testing the waters. My arms gently move up to him. I place my hand on his shoulder as he leans more into me. Ben, please. His kiss grown intense and needy, like he needs me. He must have missed me. It's been ages. His kiss still feels the same. The same passion and emotion. Screw it. I let my arms completely grab him and hold him close. He almost cracks the slightest smirk. But he's giving into me just as much as I'm giving into him. "Angel." He whispers huskily against me. How god how that name makes me melt. How Ben made me melt. This isn't right. He's the enemy. It takes all of my self-control to break away from him. I take a few steps back and hang my head in shame. "Don't call me that." I raise my eyes to meet his. He looks at me hurt. "No. You don't get to look at me like that. You traitor." My eyes feeling the familiar sting. "Me? The traitor?" He asks. "Yes, you. All you do is betray the people who care about you." I catch my breath. "First Master Luke-." He cuts me off. "Luke? Did he tell you what happened that night?" He asks. "That night I destroyed the temple, did he tell you why?" He presses stepping closer. I raise my hand stopping him. "I know everything I need to know about you." I persist. "You do?" He asks taking another step forward. "Ah, you do." Damn, I wish he wouldn't look at me like that. "You have that look in your eyes. From the forest. When you called me a monster." He reminds. "You are a monster." I spit. He steps closer pushing up against my hand. "Yes, I am." He owns it. I close my eyes and he's gone.


The warm sun beams down on my exposed skin. My eyes squinted as I swiftly swing my body around with Master Luke's saber in hand. With the growth I've made since the last time I don't touch the rock overlooking the water at all. I just don't understand anything anymore. Why did Master Luke lie to me? What happened that night? Why did Ben turn? Why did Kylo kiss me? Why did I let him? I wish I could just figure everything out! I'm pulled from my thoughts when I slash the whole rock in half by accident. Shit. I turn around to see Master Luke walking away. I quickly run after him. "You've gotten worse at that." He jokes. "I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing. I got lost in my thoughts. I'm sorry, Master." He shakes his head. "Don't apologize to me." I follow him up to the old Jedi training ground. He ushers me to sit with him in the middle next to the large symbol. "Now, I know that the Jedi out there are romanticized, deified. But if you strip away the myth and look at their deeds, the legacy of the Jedi is failure." What? "Hypocrisy, Hubris." "That's not true." I protest. "At the height of their powers, they allowed Darth Sidious to rise, create the Empire, and wipe them out. It was a Jedi Master who was responsible for the training and creation of Darth Vader." "And a Jedi who saved him." I object. Master has told me these stories before. "Yes, the most hated man in the galaxy. But you saw there was conflict inside him. You believed that he wasn't gone. That he could be turned." I defend him. "And I became a legend." He takes a deep breath and looks out at the sunset peering through the archway. "For many years, there was balance and then I saw Ben." Is he finally gonna tell me? "My nephew with that mighty Skywalker blood. And in my hubris, I thought I could train him, I could pass on my strengths." This is the first time Master has ever opened up to me like this. "Han was Han about it, but Leia trusted me with her son. I took him and the rest of your peers and began a training temple." He pauses to stand and move around. "By the time I realized I was no match for the darkness rising in him, it was too late." This he has said before. "Master." I address him, standing. "What really happened?" "I told you." "No, you told me part of it." I press. "I told you the story and that's final." He storms out.

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