A Birthday To Remember

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Katsuki woke up one early morning, not feeling the warm body of his boyfriend next to him. He looks over to see he is completely alone in the bedroom the two share. His pout has been shortened when the smell of food smacked him in the face when the door opened, revealing the greenett in one of Katsuki's aprons, a tray with an assortment of breakfast foods and juice on it.

"Happy Birthday Kacchan!" Izuku exclaimed happily, carefully maneuvering over to Katsuki's side of the bed and lays the tray on his lap.

"Baby, you didn't have to go through the trouble of doing this, but thank you, so much." Katsuki has a soft smile on his lips as he gently took his boyfriend by the back of the neck to bring him to his level, pecking his lips softly.

"Of course I did, today is a very special day." Izuku claims, climbing onto the bed and sitting on Katsuki's legs.

"Oh? What do you have planned?" The blond gives a smirk that always sends shivers down Izuku's spine.

"It's a secret. Which means that you have to leave the house for a while." Izuku states, his smile not fading in the slightest.

"Whyyyy? I wanna spend the day with youuuu. Besides, where will I even go?" Katsuki wines quite childishly.

"I know you do but trust me, you are gonna love it. I called your parents and arranged for you to spend the majority of the day with them!"

Katsuki couldn't help but smile at the effort his greenett was expressing. He gave in with a sigh and his smile not fading either. "Alright, you win. When am I going?"

"When you get done eating and getting ready. I'm going to drive you there so you can't come back until they bring you. Hurry and eat so you can get ready!" With incredible energy and speed, Izuku got up and placed a peck on Katsuki's temple before rushing to the closet and grabbing some clothes, laying them out for the blond before rushing out.

Katsuki lets out a chuckle before finally starting to eat.


It took them only fifteen minutes to get to Katsuki's parents house. Fifteen minutes to allow Izuku to mutter very silently in the palm of his hand as he drove, paying very close attention to the road but still allowing the overflow of the plan he has been formulating for over two weeks now to go into play by play.

Although, he is asking the help of Katsuki's friends and Todoroki to set up the party so anything can go wrong.

The dark thought of the house burning down after instructing them to set up streamers is cut short when he pulls up into their driveway.

They both got out of the car and interlocked their fingers together as they made their way to the door.

It took mere seconds after the ring of the bell for the door to open, revealing Katsuki's mother and father, Mitsuki and Masaru. The two elder adults quickly smiled and pulled the two in, giving both- especially Katsuki- strong hugs that knows no bounds.

"Happy birthday sweetie." The two pulled Katsuki into a group hug, which was returned whole heartedly.

Izuku, who had just got a confirmation message from Kaminari that the 'party crew' is on their way. This led to him needing to hurry and start heading out.

"Alright, I'm going to head out. Mitsuki, Masaru, do not let him try to come home early. I will send a message to you when I am ready for you guys to come. Got it?" He explains and getting a confirmation nod from them.

"We know this, Izuku. You have nothing to worry about here." Masaru reassures the greenett. Izuku smiles then gives Katsuki a peck on the cheek and leaves.

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