I'm Not Afraid.

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Okay, first off, I'm not dead. I just got a lot of bullshit happening and writers block is simply not helping. If you have a request or just tell me to get a move on with the million drafts I have, feel free to PM me.


"Come on Bakugou! You have to see this!" Kaminari whisper shouted as they made their way through the thick tanglement of the forest brush just outside of Yuuei Village. Katsuki only grumbled. He hated hunting for the simple matter is that he doesn't like hurting animals.

"What the fuck are you hard heads doing, dragging me out here after sundown?!" He barks, angry at both them and himself. Them for pulling him to who knows where and himself for allowing them to. He could easily get out of their grip with no problem at all, but he couldn't deny that he is just the slightest bit curious.

"Bro, would you lower your voice?! It could hear you and we all could be dead!" Kirishima hissed quietly, calling Katsuki by the new word he has recently invented for reasons that Katsuki does not want to know.

"'It?'" Katsuki questions, now using the same volume as they duck under some bushes that are just out of a large clearing. In the middle lays a large rock with something almost equally large on top.

Katsuki squints his eyes slightly to try and get a better look. He sees a male, scrawny and shirtless, laying over a reptilian like tail with a variaty of greens that glisten beautifully in the moonlight and dark green hair that stuck up everywhere in clumps.

'He's so... Beautiful.' Katsuki thought, only just hearing the sound of a clank of a gun being loaded. He turns his head to see that Kirishima has just packed down the gun powder into the barrel of his large gun.

"This thing is called a 'Naga'. It's half snake, half human. We found a female one that looks a lot like this one but that one has already been taken care of." Ashido whispers to Katsuki, not noticing the sudden burst of rage that filled him. Katsuki had processed about three things in the span of just a few seconds:

1. That female was probably his mom, so he is all alone now.

2. He is the most beautiful creature I have ever seen.

3. I must protect him-!

Before he even finishes his thought, his body went into autopilot and quickly shoves Kirishimas gun barrel upwards, causing the redhead to fire in that direction. The both of them has their brows furrowed towards one another and about to start yelling at each other, but they froze when they hear a very loud and very harsh hiss before everything goes black.


The four woke up to find that they are in the same area, but they are closer to the giant rock that was in the center and that they are bound against each other. Katsuki is tied to Kirishima and Kaminari to Ashido. A fire has been built nearby but the Naga male is nowhere to be seen.

"Dammit! Now we are going to die soon thanks to you!" Kirishima spat at Katsuki, tugging on the ropes that bounds them. Suddenly, they made a faint, yellow glow and grew tighter, but only slightly.

"Me?! You're the ones that wanted to shoot him! He did nothing to you guys- and stop squirming, these ropes are infused with magic!" Katsuki rebuttals, wanting to smack the redhead he is tied to, however, their argument was cut short when they hear a small grunt and a soft continuous rattle.

"Jeez, are all humans really this loud and blamey towards each other??" A voice talks to half himself and half them. They all look up towards the rock to see the Naga facing away from them on the top of it.

'He has a beautiful voice too...' Katsuki thought as he finally got a slight closer look at him. His back and arms are littlered in freckles and scars big and small. He also sees some sort of cloth wrapped tightly on his shoulder that is stained in red. He seems to be messing with something and from the sound of it, is frustrating him.

BakuDeku one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora