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The students ran as fast as they could. But as the sky darkened and the ground began to crack they found it was hopeless to run. Bunnix still injured was only opening her wounds wider and knew she needed to find Marinette. It was a risk but she knew she had to sacrifice something. "Burrow!" She screamed and as the school began collapsing and most of the students had gotten out but not Mrs. Bustiers class, no it was like the concrete falling or the earth shaking wanted the students to die. She didn't know what was going on but she prayed this was a normal akuma.

She knew it wasn't

She prays that they didn't find a way to follow her.

She knows they did.

"Quick everyone in here!" She shouted and everyone even Rossi ran into the portal. Just before things finally caved in she jumped in.

The Queen clicked her tongue. Her King kissed her cheek. "Did something go wrong my Queen?" He asked as he moved down to kiss her neck she lifted her head up to allow him. Wrapping his arms around her waist the Queen turned her head and kissed his cheek in return. "Bunnix is the problem my King. She got the rats out of our trap." The King hummed as his Queen kissed his lips. "Well we could just go after her ourselves. Then no problem." The Queen smiled and put her head under her Kings chin. "Oh if only it was that easy my King."

The King of Mean moved out of the way to look at his beautiful Queen. "May I hunt them down my Queen?" His Queen pulled him closer. "No my King we must stick together. I can't loose you!" His Queen laid her head on his fluffy shoulder. The thought of being apart from him hurt. His fingers moved under her chin and he lifted her chin up so that she could look into his emerald eyes. "Oh my Queen no one will ever split us apart again. I will make sure anyone who tries to tear us apart is destroyed." He smiled and leaned in placing a kiss on her lips. She threw herself into his arms and he held her up by her butt. She buried her head in his neck.

"I love you my King."

"I love you too my Queen."

She smiled at her king and their lips met, a loud boom went off as the ground cracked around them. He picked her up in his arms and jumped as the ground began to spike out and crack open from their kiss. He landed on the Eiffel Tower not breaking their kiss.

Their love began to take form as an army rose from the lava ground.

Bunnix rubbed her head and looked up to see the students scattered around on the floor. She lifted herself off of the ground and slowly felt her wounds get deeper and wider. "Is everyone okay?" Bunnix asked as the students slowly began to get up. "Woah where are we?" Nino asked as the students looked at the pure white room with different colored bubbles.

Mrs. Bustier who had landed by one of the bubbles accidentally placed her hand on it. She screamed and flinched back. Then froze at what she saw the other students didn't care that she had screamed as they were wandering. But Mrs. Bustier froze as she saw beautiful red fox tails fell of her shoulders. A fox mask with fox ears attached was on her face it had beautiful markings. She touched the mirror like bubble and watched as Ladybug had given her the Fox miraculous. She had a beautiful fox themed suit on. She looked better than Rena Rouge. Suddenly she felt guilty as the scene rolled out in front of her eyes.

"Why would you give me a miraculous?"

"Because you have helped Marinette through everything and even exposed Lila Rossi. You made the world a better place Mrs.Bustier."

The bubble faded back to the red and white fox face as tears slid down her face. She never did help Marinette, she wasn't a good teacher, she had just let Lila lie because she didn't see any harm. She covered her mouth and cried as she felt a realization come upon her.

She could have been a better hero.

Nino stumbled onto a bubble and fixed his glasses as he stared into his bubble mirror. His eyes shrunk as he stared at himself. It was still him but he had scratches and scars all over his body. He stared as the scene played out in front of him.

"Please! Have mercy I didn't know! I'm sorry!"

"No your not. Your just sorry cause you got caught."

"I'm supposed to be your best friend! You wouldn't hurt your best friend now would you dude?!"

"You are no FRIEND."

Nino slammed his eyes closed as the vision him was impaled by a long bloody silver baton. A familiar baton. He clutches his hand to his heart as he stared at his bloody future.

He could have been a better friend.

Alya sat up and groaned rubbing her head as she had fury leaking out of her mouth. "This is all your fault Bunnix!! Your the akuma!" Alya screamed as she stared at the injured Rabbit. Bunnix rolled her eyes at the idiotic girl and smiled when the people who believed her helped her up. "Are you okay Bunnix?" Rose asked sweetly and Bunnix smiled. "Yeah I'm some what okay." Bunnix said trying to get up only to fall down and wince in pain. "You should stay down Bunnix your hurt after all." Max says as he tries to help Bunnix.

A scream that could shatter glass was heard as the class looked over to Lila who was crying and screaming while pushing herself away from the bubble she had touched. Alya quickly ran over to her bestie and pulled her away but not before they saw their future.

"Hello Liar."

"Stay away you monsters!"

"Oh but Lila we aren't the Monsters."

Lila suddenly screamed in pain as her body slowly and painfully disintegrated. She quickly grabbed onto Alya allowing the cataclysm to spread onto the other girl. Their skin burned and faded.

"We are the heroes."

The girls screamed as the bubble went dark. Suddenly they were pulled away by Nino who also had horror in his eyes. "Why would you do this to me Bunnix!?" She cried and the other students ran over to help Lila glaring at the bleeding Bunnix. "Oh shut up Liar." Bunnix hissed out as her ears laid back on her head. "How many times do we have to tell you! Lila isn't a Liar!" Alya screamed.

"Your such an idiot." Max said seeing that Lila's future was enough proof that she was lying. "Yeah Alya maybe the person with a miraculous is actually right that Lila IS a Liar." Rose said trying to stop Bunnixs bleeding. Alya gripped onto her hair and screamed. "Shut up you stupid moronic idiots! Lila is Ladybugs best friend! She is not a LIAR!!!"

Mylene rolled her eyes and motioned her head to Ivan to keep Alya away from them. He did so and the students argued and screamed at the tall man. Bunnixs ears perked up at the sound out a portal opening catching everyone's attention.

"Sorry we are late Bunnix we needed to get the Miracle box." Ladybug or what had ladybugs voice said. A white and blue rabbit with sailor moon buns and curled bowed hair stepped into the burrow with the red Miracle box. She had white fur around her neck and a Pancho with beautiful white and blue designs on it. Chat Noir walked in after her with a bright pink blush on his face.

"Ladybug finally! Now you can defeat this STUPID akuma! And prove to us that Lila is your best friend!" Alya said as she grabbed Lila and threw her at Ladybug. "I beg of your pardon but this is not my best friend. My best friend is right next to me." Ladybug said as she grabbed Chat's hand and pulled him closer.

"Oh that's cute, Alya thinks the Liar is the heroes friend." Bunnix froze at that voice and looked all around in a hurry. The students shivered as all the bubbles went dark and cracked. Ladybug got into fighting stance as the classmates all screamed and rushed over to her and Chat Noir.

"Hello, RATS"

The King and Queen of Mean (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now