Chapter 2: The Appointment

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The Next Day...
The doomslayer was walking around the city that he found out was called pentagram city and the demons here were dead humans and don't have Argent Energy flowing through them.

He sees a tall spider person get out of a car and shrugs it off. The spider looks at him and walks into a tall building with the sign "HAZBIN HOTEL" illuminated on top. He thought of going in but was kind of weird being here so he just waited outside.

Inside the hotel...

Charlie was preparing the hotel for the man to arrive. She gave Vaggie information about him and how he looks. Someone knocks on the door to Charlie's office and she obnoxiously yells out HEEEELLLLOOOO! It was just Angel Dust.

Angel: Yeah hello to you too.

Vaggie: So do you need a place to stay or sleep? She said grunting.

Angel: Yeah some people are following me around and I need to stay out of sight. Besides why's Charlie so much more happier than she usually is.

Vaggie: Well somebody has chosen to be another patient of Charlie's and has been waiting all day.

Angel: Is that so? Well describe him I might of seen him earlier.

Vaggie: Well he has green armor and-
Angel interrupts her.

Angel: W-Wait. Does this guy have arms that could break somebody's anatomy with a hug with a helmet with a visor?

Charlie jumps up saying, "YES!"

Angel: Well I saw him outside the place holding a piece of paper walking around the place and was wondering what the fuck he was doing.

Charlie: Oh Vaggie could you get him for me.

Vaggie: Sure but he better not try anything.

Charlie: Just say that you're a friend of mine and came to bring you inside for the appointment.

Vaggie agreed and went outside to look for him. After 10 minutes she opens the door and the doomslayer walks in with her. Charlie pulls over a chair for him to sit in and the conversation starts.

Charlie: Hello And thanks for coming to the appointment.

She puts her hand out for the doomslayer to shake. He shakes her hand lightly to avoid breaking her hand.

Charlie: You already know me over there is Vaggie and that's Angel Dust. They each wave when the doomslayer looks at them.

Charlie: So what's your name?

The doomslayer opens his warp pocket and pulls out his weapons and a few dog tags with names on them. One said "Colonel William Guile" another said "Lieutenant Charlie Nash" and the final one said "Major Stan Blazkowicz" and the doomslayer pointed to to the 3rd one.

Charlie: Stan Blazkowicz?

He nods.

Everyone in the room was surprised by this and went back to their business.

Charlie: So I guess I'll call you Stan then.

Angel: Hold on. Why would a demon call themself a name like that or have dog tags with no kind of military down here.

Charlie didn't notice that and noticed his skin much better in the light and was confused.

Charlie: Hey Vaggie. Can we have a talk outside real quick?

Vaggie: Sure I guess?

They walk outside the room and they have a conversation.

Charlie: Have you noticed how Stan is more different than the other demons we see.
Vaggie: Besides those giant weapons yeah.

Charlie: I just think he's not from around here but let's continue the appointment.

Vaggie: That's fine.

The 2 walk back in and Stan was just fiddling with his guns making sure they were loaded.
Charlie: So I was just wondering about how nobody should not feel singled out in a place they aren't familiar to.

*Glass shatters* a rock comes flying in hitting Charlie directly in the eye giving her a black eye.

Charlie: OW! Vaggie please go see what that was before Stan gets riled up.

Vaggie: Sure thing Charlie.

She looks outside to see a demon with rocks in his hands throwing them up at the windows.

Vaggie: Fuck off asshole!

Random demon: Screw off bitch! You can stay up in a stupid building but you won't get anything.

Stan got mad and this music starts playing.

Charlie notices and gets up trying to prevent Stan from killing anyone.

Charlie: Wait-Wait-Wait-Wait. These things happen sometimes and we have to let it slide because we cant always resort to violence.

Then as Stan was about to sit back down another rock came flying and hit Stan's helmet. He pushed past Charlie to get to the window sill while Charlie was tugging on his shoulders to no avail. Stan pulls out the Gauss Canon and readies it up.

Stan: You picked the wrong people to fuck with. You better run to your house and lock yourself away preventing you from ever seeing the outside world ever again.

He then shoots the gun and a scream of agony is heard and then silence. Charlie thought about how yesterday Stan didn't kill her and wondered why he protected her from the negativity of that person.

Charlie: Hey Angel?

Angel: Yeah What?

Charlie: What were your first thoughts about this hotel when you came here?

Angel: Well I honestly thought it was some bull shit that'll blow up in your face.

Stan noticed how Charlie was feeling sad and saw her sniff.

Angel: Well you gotta be some kind of psycho to think that demons would be redeemed.

Charlie bursts into tears and Stan then stands up and decks Angel Dust in the nose enough to spew out blood.

Angel: OW! That fucking hurt what was that for!?

Charlie wipes her tears away and thought about why Stan did that. Did he believe in her?

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