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I twirled an arrow in my hand as I listened to Brotato and KkComics argue about Tyler's living arrangements with his crazy aunt.

Kyle seriously didn't want to be there. Tyler was basically just yelling at him. I don't really blame him. Janet is a scary woman.

But I guess I could spare Kyle the yelling. "Sorry to interrupt this... whatever it is, but I'm gonna need some help frosting some cakes. Kyle, would you like to help?" I asked, dropping a hint. Kyle picked it up.

He nodded rather quickly. But Tyler rolled his eyes. "Why the hell do you even need to bake stupid cakes? Where in holy hell do they even go?" He asked rudely.

"I'll tell you where they're gonna be if you talk bad about my cakes, Brotato." I snapped at him. I gestured for Kyle to follow. We walked down the hall in awkward silence after that.

"Thanks for the save. I owe you, SSundee." Kyle said. I waved a hand. "Eh, let him blow off some steam. And no problem."

"So.... Are we really frosting cakes?" He asked. I scoffed. "No, what, do you think that's all I do all day? I actually have somewhat of a life you know."

Kyle laughed. We walked down the main hall and saw the cafeteria doors were open. "Wanna grab a bite to eat?" I asked.

When we sat down at a table, I just so happened to look out the window to watch the sun go down. What I saw made me freeze. I thought I was just seeing things, maybe, but it was way too real.

I saw Ty running as fast as he could towards the base, followed (looked an awful lot like being chased) by Mitch, Jerome, and Jason.

I jumped straight up and yelled. "SETO!" I completely ignored Kyle's questions and took off out of the cafeteria and up to Seto's office.

I basically fell onto the door and it opened to reveal Seto, Brice, Sky, and Sub. I had heard that Sub was getting the temp job as leader of the base.

I had no problem with it, he was a smart guy. They were probably filling him in on what he had to do as leader, yada yada. But I had to cut this little meeting off short.

"Guys!" I shouted,"Ty's on his way back! Mitch, Jerome, and Jason are on his tail! We gotta get up a line of defense, now!"

Sky's eyes widened from under his sunglasses and his hand shot out to grab Subs arm for support. "T-Ty? Wh-what more does he want from us?" He asked.

Seto shook his head. "Don't know, and I'm not prepared to find out. Brice, get equipped recruits surrounding the perimeter. Don't let him in the base." He ordered. Brice nodded and left.

Seto turned to Sub. "You're the leader, hope you can handle it. Are we taking Ty into custody?" He asked. Sub nodded, but tapped his seethed sword.

"Right.... But only if needed." Seto said uneasily. And with that the door closed on us three.

Sub was visibly unnerved. He pulled Sky close to comfort him. Sky took a seat in the desk chair and Sub held onto his hand. Wait... Is there a budding romance I'm missing here...? Whatever, we need to act!

"I'll go warn the other generals. You guys... Make out or something, I don't know." I said, rushing back out of the doors.

Nothing can ever be easy for us, can it?

I ignored Ian's goodbye statement. Sub looked at me with worry. He squeezed my hand in assurance. I closed my eyes and left out a breath.

"Thanks Sub, I.... I don't know why he's back and frankly, I don't care. He's hurt us enough." I said. I looked up to Subs light green eyes. He gave a sympathetic nod.

Gingerly, he grabbed my hands in his. I took in a breath and looked at our contact. His hands held warmth. I liked it. They were just like holding Ty's hands....

Sub gave a heavy breath. He lifted my chin up with the hook of his finger. I looked right into his green orbs. They looked sad.

Sub is nothing like Ty. Sub is smart and brave and loyal. He wouldn't betray us like that, wouldn't betray me like that. He was straight up great.

I trust him.
(A/N: Expect late updates like this one guys because I'm low with time now. A lot more than usual.

I'm on the school wrestling team so I only have like 4 hours to myself and I'm always hella tired, yada yada, more complaining, excuses, excuses.

Anyways, sorry for late updates and seemingly half ass work but this story is almost at it's end :3

Which means I should prob start preparing my next story (hint: SkyZero) pretty soon.

Peace <3)

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