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New book?

I'm going to make this intro very short!

The book will be in script style & have POV's

I will put a little more humor? (Hopefully😂) and more drama (a/n: because how could i possibly add even more drama in any of my books lol)

That should be it for now! Here's quick warnings:

Strong Language (not gonna censor)

See. Very short. I have no clue what I'm actually going to put in because I end up adding a lot of stuff while I'm writing chapters that I planned (I just write that way:/)

Enough talking. Hope you enjoy💕

{The book is called "We girls" for a reason. It's mostly a friendship book (not cheesy romantic type of stuff) Don't expect too many scenes between the couples, sorry, i wanted to make this different from what I usually write but i hope you still read💖 it will have a little bit of cute scenes every now and then☺️}


⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀~Intro to Chapter 1~

「 francesca's pov 」

My name is Francesca Caviglia. I'm 17 years old and I'm your typical 'bad' girl. I like to think I am. Of course, over the years my bad reputation has fell ever since I joined the studio... But I know I still have this part of me that I've held on to and that I'm proud of. I'm proud to know others fear me at school. I'm proud to know that no one can influence me to do anything or be anything because I play by my own rules. I thought I wasn't going to change who I was... But then he did.




*Someone bumped into me as I was standing towards the center of the hall.*

Francesca: HEY!

?: Hey what.

Francesca: Are you blind? Who walks into someone when they're standing in the middle of the hallways?!

?: Fine... Whatever... Sorry

Ugh. Boys at this school. They're so incompetent. I rolled my eyes and walked towards my first class.

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀~in the classroom~

?: Francesca!!!!!!!!!!!

A high screechy voice filled my ears with utter pain... But I should probably be used to that by now...

Francesca: Violetta, you don't need to scream every time we see each other.

Violetta: I know... *she guiltily rubs her hands* I'm sorry, I just missed you Fran!

Violetta Castillo. She's been my best friend since we were like 5 or something... But she claims that we've been Besties since we came out of "the womb"...

Now, she's not the brightest bulb in the box, but this girl can sure sing. She's one of the most talented girls in the school... She's just too scared to really let it out. When I first got into the studio, I was struggling to keep my grades up and I didn't make well marks with some of the teachers... But Violetta had helped me through all of it. I'm grateful to have her as a best friend even though sometimes she can be the most confusing being on the planet... I try to help her build up her confidence everyday, but she shuts me out by finding an excuse for me to leave it be.

We Girls \\ Violetta FANFIC [No Longer Continued]Where stories live. Discover now