Ch.7-Hanging Out

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「 federico's pov 」

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀~a few days later~

Andres: Yo, this is boring... We should do something other than this...

Broduey: Yeah... I say we should prank someone...

Maxi: Let's just take a break...

Leon: Guys, c'mon... It's only been ten minutes... It's called a 'study group' for a reason... we need to actually study hard if we wanna pass this test..."

Diego: Jackie is a terrible teacher... Who thought it would be a good idea to have her teach history anyways?

Federico: C'mon guys, Leon's right... We'll take a break soon...

The guys all take long breaths and bury their face into the books.

Andres: Ooh! I have an idea... Why don't we throw a party this weekend?

Federico: What?

Diego: *murmurs* Sweet...

Federico: Wait, n-no we can't? We shouldn't...

Maxi: C'mon... Why not?

Broduey: Yeah, we can invite everyone and have a huge rager!

Leon: That's not a good idea...

Andres: No Leon, it's a GREAT idea. Loosen up, you two...

Leon and I look at each other and shrug.

Federico: Fine, tomorrow night... But tonight we'll finish studying this shit...

Maxi: Cool... Hey, why don't we have it at Leon's house?

Broduey: Yeah, because he has the cool garage...

Leon: Yeah, I guess...

Andres: Perfect! And plus then all the ladies will surely come! *he nudges him on the shoulder*

Leon scoffs and continues reading his book.

⠀⠀⠀⠀~at the Castillo Household~

「 camilla's pov 」

I wasn't sure what to expect going to Violetta's house after being invited earlier this morning...

What if she thought I wasn't 'cool' or something? To be honest, I never had many friends who'd invite me to their house for anything... I didn't want to seem awkward around her.

I rang the bell and heard some footsteps coming to the door quickly.

Violetta opened the door.

Violetta: Camilla! Come in!

Camilla: Hey Violetta!

I walked in and saw Francesca sitting under a blanket on the couch.

Francesca: Oh hey, I didn't know anyone else was coming?

Camilla: U-uh hey...

I admit I felt a little intimidated by Fran... She always wore dark, leather clothing and heavy make-up... Everyone at school says she's bad... Like very bad... But she's Violetta's friend... I'm sure she's not that bad and I'll get used to her?

Violetta: We're watching mean girls...

Camilla: Oh I love that movie!

Violetta: It's me and Fran's favorite!

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