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「 leon's pov 」

I got off my painted red motor bike my parents got me for my 17th birthday, and strided through the entrance of my school. Remembering the deal me and Diego made, I became nervous. Would this really work? All I needed to do was befriend Violetta, but how would that be easy? She's often very shy and reserved, and all though she's very good at singing, she doesn't really use her voice for talking... At least in front of me she doesn't... Maybe she secretly hates me?

I saw 'the nicest girl in school' trying to open her locker. Everyone says she's pretty nice- I was hoping to prove their point.

Leon: Hey.

She looks at me blankly for a few seconds, not attempting to get into her locker anymore.

Violetta: Are you talking to m-me?

Leon: Yeah *I nod* Need help with that?

She glances back at her lock and shakes her head.

Violetta: Uh- no, I was just...

She doesn't want my help? Is it because she's shy or could she really dislike me?

Leon: Here, let me.

She quietly stepped away as I eyed her locker. It was adorned with purple stars and hearts. Her name was centered on the locker in glitter.

I hit the locker's side twice and it came flinging open.

Violetta: How did you do that?

Leon: I don't know *I shrug*... Just works for most of the lockers in this school.

Violetta: Well... Thanks.

Yes! She thanked me. That's a first.

Leon: Um, so you're in my first period class right?

Violetta: Yeah, Pablo's?

Leon: Yep. I can walk you there if you want.

Violetta: ...Okay.

Violetta hesitated for a moment then grinned. She seemed almost uncomfortable... but I couldn't exactly read her emotions. She still smiled at me, but I could tell it was fake. I carried some of her books and we walked to class in silence.


「 violetta's pov 」

The morning felt like a dream. I was entirely convinced I was still sleeping when I saw Leon coming over and offering to help me open my locker... But as I secretly pinched myself, I discovered it was really happening.

Not like it was a big deal... But the guy I had been crushing on for three whole years had finally come up to me. I felt a portion of relief, but at the same time I was very confused.

He proposed that we should head to first period together so I awkwardly grinned and let him walk me to class. I normally get there early alone because I'm a bit of a teacher's pet... But what would we even do?

Leon: By the way, What are you doing here so early? You always come to school at this time?

Violetta: Well, yeah- It's my thing... What are you doing here not late?

Leon: Well, I wanted to talk to you-

As soon as he said it, a look of surprise had spread across both our faces.

Violetta: W-what do you mean?

Leon: I mean- I wanted to talk to the teacher...

Violetta: Oh, well I'm sure Pablo will come soon.

Leon: Yeah...

We awkwardly stood in the middle of the classroom waiting for everyone else to come.

Leon: Hey, do you play the keys?

He pointed towards the piano in the corner and went over to play it.

Violetta: Yeah, I've learned a bit.

He smiles at me and pats the seat next to him. I slowly drew near and sat by the piano. I refused to make eye-contact with him as I was scared. He kept staring at me so I was curious and decided to say something.

Violetta: What? Are we gonna play?

Leon: Yep. *he started striking the keys carelessly*

Violetta: *laughing* That's not how you play! Let me try. Request something, I can play most of the songs.

Leon: Do whatever you like.

Leon folded his arms watching my hands as I played a random melody on the keyboard.

Leon: Sounds cool.

He started pressing the notes to the song "Voy Por Ti" and I smirked at him.

I couldn't hold my sudden excitement in... What if he had been serenading me?

No, that's not really happening, Violetta- I mentally laughed at myself.

Violetta: That's the song that you wrote... It's the only song I haven't learned to play.

Leon: Well, it's easy. I'll be happy to teach you.

He carefully guided my hands to play the correct notes and within a time frame, I managed to learn it adequately.

Violetta: Thank you *smiling*

Leon: You're welc-

?: Hey Leon, Hey Violetta.

Diego wraps his arms around us and smirks.

Violetta: Hi, Diego.

Diego: What are you doing here alone?

Leon: Playing Piano...

Diego: Cool... Hey, Violetta will you give me and Leon a minute?

I froze a little shocked. When I came back to my senses, I quickly nodded and left the classroom. Walking towards the middle of the hallway, I wondered what they could be talking about...


「 diego's pov 」

I heard the sound of a piano being played loudly inside the main classroom. My curiosity got the best of me. I peeked into the classroom and saw the back of Leon and Violetta's head. They were playing piano sitting by each other...

Diego: Hey Leon, Hey Violetta.

After getting Violetta to exit out of the room, I walked over to Leon.

Leon: What is it Diego?

Diego: You're still on the bet, right?

Leon: Yes. I'm trying to help you win Violetta, like you told me too. *he folds his arms unamused*

Diego: Good...

Leon: What about you?

Diego: Be patient. Francesca may be easy to convince when I swoon her, but it's gonna take a while for her to at least let me start a conversation.

Leon: Yeah... *he rubs the back of his neck nervously* Are you sure this is a good idea?

Diego: It will work, trust me.

Leon looks down at his feet then sighs deeply. He smiles weakly and nods.

Leon: You're right... I think.


I got sort of lazy to finish this chapter but OMG Diego and Leon are acting like jerks...

I always hate creating plots where there's deception, but we'll see how this entire thing interestingly enfolds into drama😉


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2015 ⏰

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