Chapter 11

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"Oh my gosh," Exclaimed the Sakura colored hedgehog "it's the paper and container!"

"Looks like hard work and determination pays off." The ebony hedgehog chirped.

The petite pinkette agreed "That's for sure."

Once the valuable artifacts were taken from
the old and worn chest, it wasn't long before they went to work in carefully extracting the fragile piece of paper from the priceless, delicate bottle. Unfortunately as the black and crimson streaked hedgehog tried withdrawing what was needed, he immediately realized that this required patience and a lot of it in order to get everything out in perfect condition.

Crimson eyes looked over at her "This is pointless, without the right tool it's not going to move."

"Would one of my weapons do the trick?" The cherry pink hedgehog asked.

The ebony hedgehog had an arched brow and said "Didn't you leave 'em all back at the campground?"

"I did, but I had feeling this would happen which is why I made sure to bring this." Explained the pink hedgehog as she held up a little drawstring pouch.

"Are you sure that whatever's in there is going to help with what we're doing?" The black and crimson streaked hedgehog added.

Instead of answering him the Sakura colored hedgehog's hand was immediately met with a flat topped metal surface. Once she had a firm grasp, it wasn't long before her hand pulled a pair of tweezers out of their compartment and presented them to the black and crimson streaked hedgehog.

"I know it's not a fighting device," responded the cherry pink hedgehog "but it'll get the job done."

After the ebony hedgehog had taken the tweezers from her hand, his husky voice filled Amy's ears.

"That's what I wanted to hear. Besides you're going to need to hold this." He answered.

After proceeding with handing over the priceless antique over to the pink hedgehog to hold, he went for round two in trying to remove the hundred year old paper from it's jail like sentence. As the pinkette continued to sit down in front of Shadow, she was amazed by how focused he was in his work.

'I've never seen him like this before, he really does know when to concentrate when it's needed.'

Emerald green eyes looked back at the bottle and uttered "Have you always been good at things like this?"

The black and crimson streaked hedgehog heard this and exclaimed "You could say that."

"What's that supposed to mean?..." The Sakura colored hedgehog trailed off.

"Remember when the entire school was talking about how Ms. Davis's car ending up missing?"

The cherry pink hedgehog had a look of disapproval on her features "Tch. I hope nothing good comes to the one who actually did it."

A small smirk appeared on his tan muzzle "Look no further because you're talking to him."

This immediately got Amy's full attention "You mean to tell me that was you?! But I thought that a brown hedgehog got blamed for it."

The smirk on his tan muzzle grew bigger and pondered "How do you think I stayed out trouble?"

"By planting the evidence on your unsuspecting victim. Duh." She said.

The ebony hedgehog was intrigued by this "Well, this is a side I haven't seen before, Rose."

The pink hedgehog turned her head defensively away from him and explained "Wha! At least that's what I've heard."

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