Chapter 2

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Once arriving at school, the pain in the cherry pink hedgehogs hand had subsided for the most part. Which was good; because she didn't want to go through the day with it. While doing this, the pinkette couldn't help but think about what her parents had said earlier today.

'My birthday is every year, why make it more important than it already is?'

As the Sakura colored hedgehog continued to be deep in thought. She was brought into reality by none other than

"Hope you're prepared for the quiz in English." The lilac female said.

The pink hedgehog had an arched brow and asked "What? That's today?"

"Yeah, and it was easy." The ivory bat stated as she walked over to them.

"With all the things you're doing; you had time to review?" Blaze asked.

Rouge looked over them and answered "Well, I did have help from, Knuxie."

Just as she had said that, the ivory bat saw that she had gotten a text from her red echidna boyfriend.

"Let's go to the bleachers during lunch, I have a surprise for you." Knuckles.

The ivory bat couldn't help but have a smile on her face and said "I'll meet you there."

"I'll talk to y'all later," Rouge responded "the bell is about to ring."

"Yeah," The lilac female stated "and I need to go, Silver's waiting."

After they had left; the cherry pink hedgehog went to where her class was and sat down at the desk. Emerald green eyes saw the teacher handing papers, which was the quiz she wasn't told about; until just a few minutes upon arriving at school.

'Alright, this is just the things we've talked about in class.' The Sakura colored hedgehog thought.

Once the person in front of handed the paper to her; the pink hedgehog picked up the pencil, put it down and got to work. As she did this, the minutes that were in class ticked by on the clock. It hadn't even been a minute as the pinkette put the pencil down on the desk from finishing; when her ears perked up to the end of class bell.

"Alright, class." The teacher stated "Please hand in what you have completed on the desk."

While walking up to the front of the class; the cherry pink hedgehog stopped in her tracks, as she heard a familiar husky toned voice.

"Looks like we have a class with each other."

The Sakura colored hedgehog looked over at him and said "Yes, and I wasn't aware we were in the exact high school together."

A smirk appeared on the black and crimson streaked hedgehogs tan muzzle and stated "Just like in the woods?"

"Yeah, about that...what were you doing there?" The pink hedgehog asked with an arched brow.

The ebony hedgehog looked over at her and answered "That's none of your business."

"I did tell you why I was there." The cherry pink hedgehog responded as she waited for an answer.

"And?" The black and crimson streaked hedgehog said

The Sakura colored hedgehog had a look of determination on her face and explained "Its fair if I hear your explanation."

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