Chapter 10

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Once they had gotten to the school parking lot and made sure nobody was watching them, Silver and Blaze walked over to go meet with the red echidna and the ivory bat.

"Do we have everything that we need?" The lilac female asked.

Rouge nodded her head and responded "We made sure to pack all that we need."

"She's right." Knuckles replied "Because we don't know how long we're going to be in the forest."

The grey colored hedgehog peered over at students walking inside the school and explained "If we don't want after school detention, we need to leave now."

Blaze opened the back of the car and stated "Since none of our vehicles wouldn't hold everything, I was able to get a car that did."

"Looks like there's perks to having connections in the detective agency." Silver exclaimed while going to put their things in the trunk.

"Speaking of that, we did more research on the people and found information on each of them." The red echidna said.

The ivory bat heard her red echidna boyfriend say this and replied "But let's just say it's a good idea till we're all in the car. That way there's no one listening to our conversation."

Once Knuckles had put their luggage with the rest, he walked over to the front of the vehicle and responded "Besides we have enough to deal with as it is."

"Got that right." Rouge agreed with a nod of her head.

After the four of them were in the car with their seatbelts buckled. The grey colored hedgehog and the lilac colored feline sat up front, while the ivory bat and the red echidna sat in the back of the vehicle. Then once Silver had turned on the engine and had pulled out of the parking lot, they put in the directions in the GPS and headed towards their location.

"Alright, we're where it's safe." Blaze pondered "Now what's the big news you found?"

"You know how Knuckles and I left to go to my house right?" The ivory bat said.

The lilac female had an arched brow and asked "Yeah, why?"

"Well, while we were looking up ingredients for dinner. A news article Recent Crimes popped up below it."

The red echidna chimed in and stated "At the very top of the list, it had a picture of all of them."

Rouge looked over at her red echidna boyfriend and exclaimed "Which tells us that their wanted for theft."

"Not to mention their not harmless and that know how to fight when it's needed." The grey colored hedgehog piped up.

"Which is why our plan is full proof. Since they'll never see us coming." Blaze chirped with a grin.

Silver immediately picked up on what his lilac colored girlfriend was doing and asked "Since they think we're going to do nothing about it?"

"Precisely." The lilac feline beamed "Because not only are we going to throw them off guard, but we'll be putting a stop to their scheme."

Meanwhile Victoria was going through the file cabinet and just happened to have noticed that a few papers were scattered about on the nearby table.

"Hu, That's funny." The blonde colored wolf spoke a loud "I could've sworn I put these up under lock and key."

Tyler had an arched brow as he turned towards her and asked "What's wrong?"

"Did you by chance look at the files and forget to put them back?" Victoria said with a puzzled look.

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