Chapter 5: The change

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A week after school ended Alcid gathered the two dozen demons and together with Vannal they headed towards the royal palace. At the main entrance to the royal palace were two guards that told them that visiting the royal palace vas forbidden.

"Well, then that is good for us because we are not visiting the palace." Alcid said calmly.

The guards looked at her confused and told her to go away, that the palace was locked and that she couldn't go in.

"You pour souls. There isn't a place I can't go." Alcid said and put her palm on the door lock, she began releasing acid and the door lock started to dissolve. The guards looked at her and the door baffled. Once the lock dissolved completely, Alcid opened the door and she and the demons with her entered the main entrance of the palace.

The main entrance looked unkempt. There was dust everywhere, the floor was dirty and the carpet had disgusting stains and smelled awful. All of this was the fault of the mayor of the city who lived here. All the demons in the demon world were corrupt mortal souls, but the mayor's soul was so corrupt with greed and disregard for others that he was the number one on the list of most hated demons. The only things that kept him as a mayor of the city were his political ties and the corrupt and greedy souls of other demons in high positions.

They climbed the stairs towards the door to the royal throne room. The door was all scratched up from the battle with the demons, but they were also full of dust and rust. The doors were so full of rust that the larger demons from the group barely managed to open it. The royal throne room looked like the battel and the murder of the king and queen, Vikorith and Domitia Chaios, happened only yesterday. There were broken statues, broken glass, broken furniture and claw marks all around the room and on the floor. Alcid started to walk towards the king and queens thrones, but stopped when she saw blood on the carpet, leading to the thrones. The mayor didn't even have the decency to clean the blood of her parents. Barely keeping herself composed, rage building inside of her, she asked one of the demons to alert all the media that in an hour something is going to happen on the balcony where the royal family spoke to the public.

In that hour, Alcid asked one of the other demons that was skilled in magic, to make a big screen with sound over the balcony and to show what was happening on the balcony on that screen, so that all the demons on the main square in front of the palace could see. She also told him to make the same screens with sound in all towns and villages.

With twenty minutes to go, Alcid stood next to the balcony preparing for her speech holding the paper tube with silver decorations in her hands. With five minutes to go, Alcid stepped out on the balcony and pulled down the strings that usually held the paper scrolls. She opened the paper tube and took out the paper scrolls. She hanged her paper scroll on the right side of the balcony and the royal paper scroll on the left.

She turned around and saw hundreds of demons on the main square and all the news crews. Alcid started to get nervous but Vannal peeked onto the balcony and said. "You can do it. Just pretend you are talking to us." He smiled and left.

The big screen over her showed her and the two paper scrolls behind her. Alcid walked over to the edge of the balcony and said. "My fellow demons and demoness I stand today before you as Alcid Chaios."

Alcid heard a murmur in the crowd of demons but she continued. "I am the lost child that disappeared on the day my parents, the king and queen, Vikorith and Domitia Chaios, were murdered. They were betrayed and then murdered by a mortal eating demon. I avenged their murder and killed the mortal eating demon." As she said the pictures that Kheba took of her throwing acid at the demon and the demon dissolving appeared on the screen.

"To prove to you that I really am the lost child and heir to the throne, I have the royal symbol and the symbol given to me by the king and queen. They are all in the books of symbols connected to the royal family. I will touch the symbols and you will see that they are my family's symbol and my symbol."

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