Chapter 1: The city

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There isn't a more heartwarming moment than a look on a parent's face full of pride. A mother proud of her child was a thing that could warm a whole room.

"Stop that mom. You're embracing me and dad." Alcid said.

"I don't care. I'm so proud of you. You're finally going to high school." Her mother said.

"It's not like I'm going to be a doctor after this. It's just high school mom." Alcid said.

"Yeah, leave the kid alone." Her father said. "You and I also went to the same high school. You know how it is there. Just a bunch of spoiled brats."

"Will you let me enjoy this moment." Her mother said.

"No, because we have better things to do. The bus will be here in fifteen minutes and I still have to tend to the tree eaters." Her father said.

"Alright, but this is on you. Alcid come and visit us when you have a chance. And don't forget to have fun." Her mother said.

The summer's red sun was still high up in the sky. The bus ride to the city should take about two hours and the ride to the school dorm another hour. Alcid was excited to finally go to the only city. There were smaller towns and villages but this was the only city. She had already been in the city with her father to get supplies for the farm, but this time it was different. This time she was going alone and she'll have four years to explore the city on her own.

The bus arrived and she got on. This year Alcid was the only one from her village to go to high school. Maybe that was better, Alcid was excited to make new friends. As they arrived at the city, she got out of the bus. She stood in front of the bus station for a few moments absorbing the environment. The city was so big and full of everything your heart desired. She snapped out of it and took out a piece of paper out of her pocket. Alcid read the instructions on how to get to the bus to the school dorms and started to head towards the tram that will take her there. While walking to the tram she looked around just taking in the city atmosphere, dragging her suitcase behind her.

At the tram station, someone bumped into her and she fell. Alcid looked in the direction of the one who pushed her and saw a bunch of guys looking at her and laughing. She forgot that the way she looked would cause problems for here in the city. She was different from other demons. Alcid didn't have sharp teeth, scaly skin, big claws, horns or spikes on her body, couldn't roar and scare others. Alcid was smaller than other demons, she was half their size, she had white fluffy fur all over her body, small sharp teeth, long arms, reaching down to her knees, small claws and a black flower that cowered almost the entire left side of her head. Her favorite color was black so she always wore black dresses, jackets and shoes. That made her even cuter.

When the train arrived, Alcid hoped on and took a seat. The train was running on rails above the ground so she got to see more of the city. The city seemed chaotic. In the middle, there was a big graveyard and a lake full of demons relaxing and picnicking. One part was full of tall buildings, with one towering over all the others. It was so big that it was blocking the sun. There were other buildings like the City horror museum and other art museums. Alcid couldn't wait to go see them all. Her village was small, even compared to other villages, and there were no museums or galleries. The biggest event in her village was the Halloween fair that was only interesting for the little ones.

After some time she saw the school in the distance. It was big. Alcid read that a lot of demons come to this school from their villages because many the villages don't have their own high schools, like hers. As the train came closer to the school, Alcid took her suitcase and headed towards the doors. She could hear a murmur of voices, insults and laughter. Alcid knew that they were all directed at her. It was tough being a cute demon in a world of scary demons.

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