Chapter 4: The power

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Alcid found out that there was one mortal eating demon that was alive when the king and queen were murdered and that he was here in the demon realm now. She asked Kheba to go on a walk with her and that she wanted to show her something, when in fact she just didn't want to go alone to talk to the mortal eating demon. When they reached the cemetery Kheba got mad at Alcid because she lied to her, Alcid apologized and told her she had a good reason.

Alcid walked over to the mortal eating demon who was sitting on a grave cleaning his teeth with a broken demon bone and asked him. "Hi, I'm sorry to bother you but can I ask you a few questions?"

The demon sniffed the air a few times and said. "You smell familiar. Do I know you?"

"I don't think so. Can you tell me if you hated the royal family? You see, I'm doing this for school and I know you were here when the demons rebelled." Alcid said.

"Of course I hated the royal family. I'm a mortal eater and the king wanted to ban killing mortals." The demon said. "I felt such a surge of happiness when I ripped his head from his shoulders."

Alcid could barely contain her rage and after a few moments, she asked him. "Did you kill the queen too?"

"Yes. I ripped her in half and ate her head. Demons don't taste as good as mortals." The demon said.

Alcid was so enraged now that she came closer to the mortal eating demon that was ten times bigger than she was, and said. "Thank you for talking to me. We are going to leave you in pieces now."

"What? Don't you mean in peace?" the demon said.

"No. You heard me correctly." Alcid said and shot her acid all over him. In a few seconds, all that was left of him was a few pieces of bones and skin. The first part of Alcid's plan was over. He avenged her parent's death.

"Whoa! That was amazing Alcid." Kheba said. "Do you know what you just did?"

"I killed a mortal eating demon that killed the king and queen. I know. Why?" Acid said and gave her a confused look.

"I got some amazing pictures. You look like a hero demoness on them." Kheba said with a smile.

"Pictures? Why did you take pictures?" Alcid asked.

"Because it looked legendary. A battle between the smallest demon and the biggest demon. This will go down into history books!" Kheba said smiling from ear to ear.

"Kheba show me your hands. Good. Now promise me that you won't show the pictures to anyone or tell anyone what just happened. Promise me!" Alcid said with a serious voice.

"I promise." Kheba said and rolled her eyes.

"Ok." Alcid said and they left the cemetery and headed to the dorm.

On their way there, Alcid's mind was occupied with thoughts about the king and queen's murder. Now that Alcid avenged their deaths, she had to retake the throne. That meant that she needed to find the traitors of the royal family, to learn to see the deception in others. To know when others are lying so Alcid can remove them from the royal palace in pieces. The royal palace was a fortress. There was no way that such a big demon like a mortal eater could just walk in the royal chamber by himself and there is no way the other demons could break down the doors and swarm the palace without help.

Alcid still wasn't good at telling when people lied or deceived her. However, as in most cases, it's easier to see one if you are one. So for her last year courses, Alcid registered for all courses that dealt with lying, deceiving mortals, learning to recognize lies and deceit in others, ways to make others reveal the that they are lying and how to read the body language of liars, manipulators and deceivers.

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