Chapter 23: Through the Night

Comincia dall'inizio

I just nodded my head and looked at the street lights. Nadaanan namin ang gusali ng dorm ko. He was right. His place was nearer the university. When we arrived, he parked the car in the parking lot of the condominium. We entered the very huge and luxurious building. I thought it felt so good to live here.

"This place is nice," I told him when we walked into the elevator.

"Yes," he replied as he pressed the number of the floor where his place was located.

"I wish I could live here," I said.

The left side of his pinkish lips tugged upward creating a smirk. "You don't need to wish. You can live here if you want," he said.

"As if I could even if I want to." I pouted my lips.

We heard the elevator bell ring and the door opened. When we started to walk again, I wandered my eyes around this very elegant place. We stopped in front of a steel door. It had a security system installed so he pressed the code or password before he opened the door. I was mesmerised when I saw his place. There was a chandelier above and the furnitures were white as snow, except the sofa because it was color red.

"How much is this place?" usisa ko. I was curious. This place looked expensive.

"Secret," he answered while turning on the aircondition through a remote control.

I curled my lips and glared at him.

He just smirked at me and headed the way to the kitchen. I followed him. The kitchen had a complete appliances. It seemed like my eyes turned into a heart shape when I saw it. I fell inlove because I loved cooking.

I watched him rummaging through the refrigerator. He placed the frozen meat on the table. "Do whatever you wanna do with this," he said.

Napangiti ako. "All right. I wanna cook." I grabbed the meat and put it on the sink to wash it. Nagulat ako nang may lumusot sa uluhan ko at apron pala iyon. Dylan was the one who wore it to me. He tied its lace to my body. "Thanks," sabi ko nang matapos siya.

"I'll leave you here. I just have to do something," I heard him say.

"Okay. I'll just call you," I replied.

I chopped vegetables before I started cooking. I cooked a Beef Stroganoff, a Russian dish. Mom used to cook this and she taught me how to cook it. I tasted it and it tasted so good. I removed my apron and prepared everything on the table before I called Dylan.

I didn't saw him in the living room so I wandered around the place and looked for his room. Nang may makita akong pintuan doon, kinatok ko iyon. "Dylan?" tawag ko sa kanya. He didn't respond so I knocked again. But he didn't respond again. I decided to open the door. Fortunately it was unlocked. My brows furrowed when I didn't saw him there, but his laptop on the bed was open. My head turned to the door of the bathroom when it creaked open. It was Dylan who just took a bath and his towel was wrapped around his waist. I lifted up my eyes to his body. His defined waist, muscles and arms are firm; his body was buff because of his daily exercises routine. This was the first time that I've got a chance to look at him like this and I felt awkward. I quickly shifted my eyes to his face so our eyes met. His hair was wet and messed.

"Uhm, the dinner is ready," I told him.

His lips just slightly moved before he said, "I'll just get dressed."

"Okay. I'll just wait for you in the kitchen." I quickly headed the door and went out of his room.

I waited for him in the kitchen while sitting on the chair and looking at my plate. It took a few minutes before he came and sat on the chair opposite me. He wore a printed white shirt and a white jogging pants.

Holding on to His PromisesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora