A New day at Beacon

Start from the beginning

As Y/n Nods in agreement with Rubys statement.

Yang: So what are you going to do when we form teams?

Ruby Um... I don't know maybe I-I'll just stick with you or maybe be on
Y/n's team.

Yang Maybe i think you should try being on someone else's team?

Ruby: ( Gasps) My dear sister Yang, are you implying that you do not wish to be on the same team as me!

Yang:( Starts stuttering) W-what? N-no! O-of course I do I just thought that i don't know, maybe it should help you uhh... break out of your shell.

Ruby: What do you mean?! I don't need to " break out of my
shell!" How about Y/n ( looks to see
Y/n putting on his armor)I am already grown up, but me! That's absolutely-

Joan: Ridiculous! ( walks between the them and holding a map) I thought that i put my gear in locker 636 yesterday! It should've been there i remembered going there and count that this is the right number. Why! Is this happening to me today.

Joan walks past Weiss and a girl in spartan armor, who Weiss was having a conversation with.

Weiss: So, Pyrrha, have you have thought abou whose team your going to be on. I'm sure that everyone would at least to be asking you to be on their team.

Pyrrha: Hmm... i haven't given much thought to whose team i am going to be on. I will just let the chips fall .

Weiss: I was just wonder if we could be on a team together.

Pyrrha: Well that sounds really grand!

Weiss: Really Great!

Y/n walking by looking for Ruby and Yang

Y/n:  Hey guys hello Weiss, Pyrrha

Weiss and Pyrrha: Hi Y/n | Hello Y/n

Pyrrha and Weiss: aww he's so cute

Weiss: So Y/n i was wondering would you like to join my team.

Y/n: Hmm sure why not

Weiss turns around with a evil smirk

Weiss (mind): Yes this is perfect! With Pyrrha the strongest  girl and Y/n the cutest guy we will be the most popular group in the school.

Joan: (Jumps into the conversation) you know what else is great me Joan Arc. Nice to meet you ladies

Weiss: You again?

Pyrrha: (Steps in between them) Nice to meet you Joan

Joan: Nice to meet you too, so Weiss, Pyrrha what do you think of Y/n over there overheard you yesterday about how cute he was.

Weiss: Oh, you've got to be kidding me! Not right now

Joan: Come on don't sweat it nothing to worry about do have you heard about the rumorz about teams. I was jist wondering if you, me and the girl  over there be on the same team what do you say

Pyrrha: I wouldn't mind to be on your team Joan.

Joan: Well thats one person on joining on team Joan.

Weiss: Well Joan is it, do you have any idea who you are talking too?

Joan: Uhhh... i don't jave the slightest clue.

Weiss: This is Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: Hello again!

Weiss: Pyrrha hete graduated top of her class at Sanctum.

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