Later that night, Emilia walks into my room a huge smile on her face. I send her a suspicious look.
"What are you up to?"
She rolls her eyes at me, her smile still on her face.
"We're going clubbing."
"Yup, us girls and the boys."
"I don't know Emi. Clubs aren't really my thing. " she pouts at me.
"Oh come on. It'll be fun."
She notices my hesitation and sends me a puppy dog look.
"Please. We're just gonna have a few drinks and dance. Nothing crazy."
I sigh. "Fine." She claps her hands and squeals.
Walking to my walk in closet, she starts sifting though dresses. I notice that she's going through the ones that were bought for me and I stop her.
"Umm, Emilia. Those aren't my clothes. Mine are on the other side."
She looks at me confused. "Of course they are. I chose them for you."
"You chose all this?"
She nods. "Yeah, Luciano asked me to get some stuff for you. He sent me pictures when he broke into your apartment so I'd know what you like. Don't you like them?"
"No no. They're beautiful but I have my own stuff. You didn't have to do this."
She waves me off,"oh please. It's our way of welcoming a guest. It isn't cuz we think you're a charity case or something."
"I don't know. I mean, I'm here for work not for pleasure or anything. I just don't think it's -"
She cuts me off, sending me a stern look.
"Cut it out. You may be here to help my brother take down that bastard but you're my friend. You're everyone's friend. So shut up and deal with it."
I stifle a smirk and give her a mock salute. "Yes ma'am. "
She nods satisfied with my answer and continues rifling through dresses when she pulls one out.
She smiles in excitement.
"Ooh, you are gonna look so hot in this."
She hands me the dress and basically shoved me into the bathroom.
"Go shower and put on the dress. Sofia and I will be in to do your hair and makeup shortly."
"I can do my own hair -" but I don't get to finish my sentence for she shuts the door on me.

Half an hour later, I've shaved, showered with my favourite Shea butter and honey body wash and moisturised my body. I change into my dress, surprised that I don't look half bad in it. It's a little more risqué than something I would normally wear but I decide to let my hair down a little tonight.

Just then, Sofia and Emilia walk in, looking absolutely stunning in minidresses. They're ready and their jaws drop when they see me.
"Holy shit, you look hot!"
"Damn girl."
I laugh, a little shy from all the attention.
"Thanks guys. You look amazing too."
Emilia claps her hands once and turns to Sofia.
"I'll do her makeup and you do her hair."
Sofia nods and the two turn back to me, a gleam in their eyes. I groan, already knowing that this is gonna be the longest half an hour of my life.

"Stay still, goddammit." Emilia scolds me and I scowl.
"You're gonna blind me with that damn wand."
"I will if you don't stop moving."
I make a face at her and she sticks her tongue out at me. Finally, half an hour later they were done with their torture. I look at myself in the mirror and gasp. This was me but it was not me. Does that even make sense?
Emilia has gone for a smoky eye and a dark lip making me look mysterious and slightly older than my 24 years but in a good way. Sofia has done my hair in big curls, tousling it slightly to give me a messy look. All in all, I actually looked pretty sexy. I smile at them,
"Thanks guys. I love it."
"He's gonna love it too." Emilia squeals and Sofia nods excitedly.
"Wait, who's gonna lov-"
"Come on, the boys are waiting for us. Put your heels on." Emilia cuts me off and hands me a pair of heels. I strap them on, grabbing my clutch that had my phone, credit card, some cash and a small handgun in it. Making sure my knife was strapped to my thigh, hidden from sight I take one last look in the mirror and follow the girls down.
The boys are waiting for us by the door, looking handsome as always in their suits. Angelo lets out a whistle, winking as he sees Emilia and she blushes hard. Luca pulls Sofia in, giving her a kiss and whispering something in her ear that has her blushing too. I feel an intense stare on the side of my face and turn to see Luciano staring at me, his eyes dark and stormy. Forcing myself not to blush, I raise an eyebrow at him.
"Cat got your tongue, Vincenzo?"
He chuckles, walking closer to me.
"You look stunning Alessandra. Although I'm sure you didn't need me to tell you that."
I smirk, "nope but thank you anyways."
He laughs and holds out his arm for me like a true gentleman.
"Shall we?"
I take it, already cursing Emilia for putting me in these death traps.
We walk out the door. Luca and Sofia get into his BMW sports car while Angelo and Sofia get into a black Porsche. Some of his men get into the black SUV to follow us and I turn to Luciano in confusion.
"Aren't we all going to the same place?"
He smirks and points to a car at the front.
"We are, just in different cars."
I look to the car he pointed at, my eyes widening.
"Is that a a Bugatti Veyron Super Sport?" I ask in awe. Luciano looks surprised that I know the model.
"It is. You're into cars?"
"I've always had a penchant for fast cars. I own a McLaren F1 but it's got nothing on this beauty."
Luciano chuckles at my excitement and leads me towards his car, opening my door.
"Well, if you behave yourself , I might let you drive it later."
I turn to him, unable to keep the huge smile off my face as he gets in.
He nods, smirking at my excitement.
"Really. You know, I've never met a girl who got this excited about cars before. Even Emilia and Sofia could care less about them."
I smirk, "well I'm not exactly your typical girl."
He chuckles," very true."
We make small talk throughout the ride, enjoying the music as well. To my surprise, Luciano has got a really good voice as he quietly sings. He probably doesn't even realise he's doing it as he drives, completely relaxed, one hand on the wheel and one resting casually against the door.

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