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Nothing was said for a while, but Atticus made a knife appear and set it next to Amelia. She looked at it warily. The urge was definitely there, and Atticus knew that.

"Do it," he urged. "You couldn't save anyone. They all died because of you! You doomed them all. You doomed that Clayton fella too."

"No," Amelia covered her ears, causing her to stop petting Emma, who whined.

"You killed me," Atticus mimicked Clayton's voice perfectly. "You made me follow you. I froze to death and drowned."

Amelia had tears streaming down her face.

"I condemned you to freezing, just like I did."

"I didn't want you to die," Amelia sobbed out, not noticing Emma trying to gain her attention.

"Why don't you just go die"

Amelia nodded and grabbed the knife, looking at it. She then made it disappear, only to replace it with a gun. At this point Emma was barking, trying to gain the attention of anyone else.

Luckily, the nations did hear the barking and Matthew rushed into the room, quickly followed by Toris and Yao. They quickly noticed the tears streaming down Amelia's face, Atticus, and, yes, the gun. Matthew slowly approached Amelia.

"Do it," Matthew's voice came from Atticus.

Amelia put the gun to her head.

"Ames," the real Matthew said, "don't do this."

Amelia's eyes were cloudy and unfocused. She wasn't listening to anyone but Atticus and his million different voices. Matthew walked closer, not wanting to startle her. At this point, more nations were gathering in the doorway, scared for Amelia.

"You know we don't love you," Atticus mimicked Toris and Yao's voices, overlapping them.

Amelia cocked the gun and was about to pull the trigger when Matthew rushed forward and smacked the gun away, making it go off and hit the wall. That pulled Amelia out of her daze.

"What's going on?" she asked, confused.

That shocked the three that saw the whole thing. It shocked the nations who watched what they could. How could Amelia not know what had happened. Matthew just shook his head and pulled Amelia into a tight embrace.

Atticus grunted in dismay and disappeared. Amelia noticed her face was wet and wiped her face in confusion.

"Can we go back and read again?"

Matthew let go and nodded. He used his magic and made the gun disappear, without gaining Amelia's attention.

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