Kismet Foreshadowing (Chapter 26.2)

Start from the beginning

We were intently fixed on the movie, enjoying and laughing at the mishaps occurring on the screen. We were at the scene where the titular characters had to lock lips in front of the entire family when Ari turned to me.

"You know," he started nervously, "It never occurred to me till now that we may have to do that too."

I'm only one fourth paying attention to him because I was busy envisioning myself locking lips with Ryan, so all I did was nod my head at his statement.

"So, you're already aware? Are you ok with that? I know it'll be strange for me but necessary, but if you're cool with it then that totally makes me a little less anxious. I mean, not saying I believe kissing you will be gross and uncomfortable. I've kissed Blaire plenty of times, but I've never kissed you. But now that we're addressing it, I think we should definitely practice kissing and making it look natural, so we don't end up in an awkward situation like them on the movie."


Wait, hollup.

Kissing? What is Ari talking about?

"Wait, what are we discussing?" I ask confused and pausing the movie to give him my full attention and allow him to restate.

"I knew you weren't paying attention," he says rolling his eyes, "I was saying that we're gonna have to practice kissing. My family believes we're dating. What couple that claims they like each other doesn't kiss? But if you're not comfortable with it we can try and come up with an excuse so we don't end up in a situation like that."

"An excuse? Like what?"

"I don't know, like maybe you've got cold sores?" He says laughing.

"Why am I the one with cold sores?!" I say laughing too, "You're right though, we should practice. I mean, how weird can it be. You've kissed Blaire before so it's not like you've never kissed a girl."

"But you and I have never kissed. That's a whole different thing."

I contemplate what he's saying and wonder to myself.

"You know what, we're making a mountain out of a molehill, or however that saying goes. We're just kissing. It can mean nothing, right? I've drunk out of the same cup as you before, and you've eaten off my fork before as well. That's practically kissing."

"Not really, but I see your point."

"Did you want to practice now?" I ask nervously.

Ari shrugs, "I mean we could. Might as well since we're talking about it."

I nod my head and look him directly in the eyes, psyching myself up for what may be the weirdest moment in my life right now. This is one of my best friends. It would be like if I kissed Maya.

I'm so in my head at the moment that I almost didn't even notice him leaning towards me. It was happening in slow motion like it does in those cheesy romantic comedies, and unfortunately, I couldn't help but start giggling.

"Ugh, Nova! Stop laughing!" Ari says leaning back and laughing himself.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Ok, let's try again. I promise I won't laugh this time."

We stop laughing and he starts leaning towards me again, closing his eyes and coming in for the kill.

I don't think I've ever been this close to his features before. He's been gifted a very beautiful face. Slightly disproportionate. Thick dark, but not unruly, eyebrows. Sporadic, light brown and barely noticeable freckles. Light pink lips that showed off that little dip right above the top lip and between his slightly wide nose.

He was in the beginning of growing out a little bit of facial hair that gave him an attractive shadow and barely covered the remaining battle scar at the bottom right side corner of his mouth from when he was a child.
He was maybe around ten or eleven years old when he completely face-planted and had an up close and personal meeting with gravel.

Being the little brother, Ari told me once, he looked up to his older brother Dakota and wanted to do and be everything like him. That included becoming a skateboarder like Dak. However, Ari's coordination skills hadn't really aligned with him yet like they do now, and he completely fell forward onto the awaiting merciless gravel.

Thinking back on this story makes me laugh again right before his lips meet mine.

"NOVA! You promised you wouldn't laugh again!"

"I'm so sorry!" I say full on giggling.

Ari hastily, but gently, cups my face in his left hand and kisses me mid laugh.

That instantly made me stop laughing and instead kiss him back.

Ari pulled back for a second allowing me to catch a moment of air considering I had been in mid laugh.

"Sorry, but you wouldn't shut up," he says smiling and chuckling a little.

"That wasn't bad. I don't think we'll have a problem."

"Yeah, now we just need to practice a few more times, so you won't be laughing every time."

"Sorry. I just thought about something funny before you kissed me."

"What was it?"

"Nothing important, don't worry about it."

"Wanna hear something else funny?" He says turning his attention back to the movie and unpausing it while throwing his arm around my shoulders.

"What's that?"

"I forgot to mention that my family invited you to come with us on our family vacation next month. So, you'll be stuck with me pretending to be my girlfriend for a week."


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