Part #3

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Hela's POW

As she finally was there, the stench of blood disgusted her. But she could still sense someone else, it was a dangerous, predatory smell and it made her exited. It was him the Hunter. As she ran towards him but only to find corpses. "Dammit" she cursed under her breath. Because his scent was finally overwhelmed by smell of blood. As she climbed onto a ruined building and looked around. And she did see him...


Everything was red, I cannot control myself... Even when he is a Great One, the master of the Dream, the blood does not care... He put his Axe away and pulled out the Saw Cleawer and started walking wherever the monsters were. And screams of terror have filled the streets, as the maddened hunter was hunting. He looked around and saw a Hellhound that was standing on a building. He looked at her and she noticed that he had some kind of aura. (like this down here)

They stared at each other for a moment, before attacking

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They stared at each other for a moment, before attacking. She looked into his eyes those crimson mad orbs
were glowing in the darkness and even the full moon was red. Who was this man? He was fast, he swung his cleaver weapon with enough speed to make gusts of wind follow his every swing . She pushed him back a bit. It was a first man to make her breathe heavily (not sexually).

Hela : Are you trying to make me submit?

No reply. He lunged at her with his weird cleaver thing, only to have it stuck in a wall. He let it go and raised his fists. She smirked thinking that he is on match for her in fist to fist, oh boy she was wrong.

(Hela is the one being punched)

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(Hela is the one being punched)

She fell. And when she wanted to stand up she felt hunters boot on her back. She could only look up, helpless as the hunter raised his weapon intending to behead her. And suddenly a blast of dark energy hit him. It didn't affect him, but it made him distracted for a few moments so she has managed to get him off her back. And then she noticed that his eyes weren't red anymore. He gripped his head, seemingly in pain for a few moments. And looked back only to see a... Lilim...

Druella's POW

"Are you willing to pay the price of this conquest?" Elder Banshee's words were echoing in her mind as she flew towards the city, she was hoping to hear the cries of pleasure, but instead she heard horrified screaming of both man and mamono that were slaughtered by something... As she landed she noticed a particular sight her subordinate Hela was fist fighting a man. Thinking that there is no way
he could win she wanted to leave, but when she heard a SICKENING crunch she wanted to stop her from breaking this male further only too see the complete opposite. Hela was lying defeated with his boot oh her back, he raised a weird weapon with an intention to behead her. She fired a blast to stop him, this magic was quite strong and she usually used it to stop more, feral monsters but he shrugged it off, but she succeeded in saving her subordinate since he lost his interest and his killing intent was now aimed at her. His cleaver thing had disappeared and suddenly another weapon has appeared. It was a two handed sword with pieces of cloth wrapped around it. His eyes lit up anew, then he ran his hand across the blades edge cutting his hand a bit and the blade has changed.

He pointed it at her, and finally stepping off Hela's back he rushed towards her

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He pointed it at her, and finally stepping off Hela's back he rushed towards her. In a split second he already stood before her raising his blade overhead. She dodged narrowly
and flew several feets away from him.
She thought that he would be seduced overtime but it seemed that demonic energy had no effect him,hell he didn't seem to have spiritual energy either. His gaze alone sent shivers down her spine, these crimson eyes burning with bloodlust and hatred and she saw remorse, so much remorse. She asked him.

Druella : What happened?

For a moment he stopped. He looked at her and tilted his head, finding it hard to speak at the moment.

Druella : What could force a living being to bring so much harm, how so much hatred could be contained in one soul. What have they done to you!?

His eyes stopped to glow, they werent less hateful then they were but he calmed down a little.

(YN) : You ask? I lost everything, my home, my family, my body and sanity. You don't know, how many more people suffer blinded because of your abominable, evercorrupting attempts to enslave us.
Druella : All mother wanted was peace.
(YN) : Peace? You demon of all people talk about peace? You mamono say that all we should care about is to be in love with a monster, not caring that we might go extinct, not caring that we have families, not caring that we dreams and ambitions. You see us as lesser creatures to lord over us in sexual slavery.
Druella : When it was when we killed someone just because they were searching for love, when did a Mamono took a married man away?
(YN) :It's not only about men it's about all of the humanity. Think of it Druella, knowing that not only their bodies were violated but their souls were too, they are lost, lost forever. And I will not cease, I can only pray that after I give them mercy they will be freed.
Druella : I-

Before she could finish suddenly a wave of light flew at her she put up a barrier and managed to dodge it, she materialised her rapier and managed to block (YN)'s attack. She knew thag this strength of his was unnatural and the blade, if he manages to land a good cut, it might be lethal for her.

Can you imagine, how a hellhound who thought that males are weak and should obey them was shocked after she witnessed how one could stand his ground against a Lilim! A fucking LILIM, the same species that fought and subdued gods! Yet she struggled against a man. She kind of felt proud because she survived such an encounter. As she walked away and her ribs healed slowly. And suddenly she heard a scream. As she turned around she saw that he managed to cut Druella's side. Then he stopped. Looking down at his opponent that is laying on the ground gasping in pain. In silence he started to walk away. Thinking that she will die anyway, and wanting her to suffer for a little longer. Suddenly a witch of sabbath has appeared, using her spell she quickly teleported wounded Lilim away and was quick dissapear herself.

(YN) : *instant regret* Aaagh, Goddammit!

He said as he punched the city wall and it slowly crumble to pieces afterwards. Then he calmed down, he was acting like a fool, not a hunter. Why did he start a conversation why was he showing off!? He decided that it was time to leave and so he did, but not before visiting the Lord Inquisitor to take his money for his "labours". But he when he found out what happened to him he was quick enough to execute him and his wife. When he took  his payment that was given by a new Lord Inquisitor he left the town in a caravan to the monster friendly states, hoping to find his family.

Lord of Moonlight (Bloodborne x MGE + Male Reader insert) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя