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Now it's morning. And (YN) wakes up, this night is one of the not many he spent sleeping. As always all his dreams were in the Hunters Dream since his soul was in there and this body was nothing more than a meat puppet he controlled after his ascension. Truth to be told he didn't need it. He got up and put on his usual hunting clothes on (the outfit from part1). When he walked downstairs he saw that mother and Marie were already awake, but his other sister Ada where was she? "Now if I think about it... Where is she?" He greeted his family and approached his mother.

(YN): Mom, I wanted to ask you.

(MN): What is it, dear?

(YN): What happened to Ada?

Her mood changed immediately. (YN) took notice of that.

(YN): Is she-

(MN): She's alive, but... (YN) you may not like this-

(YN) : She is with Radicalists in Druella's army. Isn't it?

(MN): Yes... But she probably resigned after Lescatie happened and i don't know if she will come back.

(YN): I won't hold it against her. But I'm not close to forgiving her. She left you, she left us for some white-winged whores ambitions. But i hope that she is alright.

She nodded and turned away, proceeding to do what she was doing.
After that (YN) was not in the mood for breakfast. He just left. Even though it wasn't his shift he didn't plan to stay home and do nothing , might as well look around town, maybe then go and hunt something in the forest or go fishing. Yes, that would be relaxing. He did a little nod to himself as he walked down the main street.

Woodfell is a comfortable little town. Everyone knew each other, and everyone had nothing to hide, except him. So peaceful and kind, except him. So happy and content, but not him... What was he even doing here? He traveled for so long only to find out that his family is monsterized and his father is missing, and his youngest sister is with Radicalists.

He thought that in the waking world everything would be better. But now it was as if he chose to ignore everything wrong here. No he didn't want to return to Order and be their errand boy again. He had enough of it. All he wants is a quiet life. Nothing more nothing less. Though... He doubts that it will be like that any time soon. But he knows that he is strong enough to overpower the consequences...

Scene change...

He left the town and decided to wander around the forest nearby. It's beautiful so, so beautiful. After Yharnam everything even the simplest thing felt like a blessing. He then heard the sound of water falling. It was quite far and a normal human would not have noticed that. He looked around, no one. He couldn't sense anyone's presence as well. So he ran. He bolted with a speed no living creature could hope tomatch and his feet dug trenches with his first leap.

A few moments later...

He had arrived at the waterfall he had been hearing. Once again, it's one of the most beautiful things he saw after he was trapped in the Dream. He sat down and relaxed to control his "impulses". He changed his clothes storing them away in his "inventory", as he called it. Now he was wearing the classic hunter's clothes, the outfit he felt most comfortable in. And no one in the waking world saw him wearing it before.

He breathed in and out, the pleasantly fresh air, wanting to just sit there and watch the scenery forever, sadly the universe had different plans. He heard rustling in the bushes and the forest became deathly quiet. It could be a predator, but he found out that almost no animal approached him without voiding its bowels in fear, so it could be a mamono.

He then immediately replaced his clothes with his usual outfit (the one he entered Lescatie in for the first time, with glasses) and waited. A few minutes after one of the city guards, a lizardgirl whose name he didn't bother to remember. She stopped to have a breather and said panicking.

Lord of Moonlight (Bloodborne x MGE + Male Reader insert) Where stories live. Discover now