"I do. We are securing and protecting planets. There is a reason the outer rims like the First Order so much. Because we are doing what your Republic couldn't do."

Another political discussion, usually you avoided them as best as you could. If she was going against your employer so directly it was hard to hold back.

She didn't say anything, instead she looked disappointed. Of course. The silent treatment. Too bad that did not work if you only talked once every two years.

"Oh don't do that. I am not a child anymore. If you are so frustrated just fucking say it. I am so fed up with your constant...your constant...I hate that you always look down on me. What I am doing actually saves lives."

She stayed quiet for a bit longer, "I will ask your aunt. Have a good day working for the doomsday brigade."

"Atleast they actually take care of me. Something you were never capable of doing.", you shot back, ending the call. Leaning back in your chair you took a deep breath.

"Well that could have gone better.", you mumbled and let your head fall down on the desk in front of you.

"Probably.", it sounded from behind you. You quickly stood up and looked at the Supreme Leader leaning in the doorway. You hadn't heard the door opening or felt the pressure rise. Explainable when you were talking to your mother.

"I'm sorry, Sir. I will have personal calls in my room from now on and not in the med bay."

"It's fine.", he nodded over towards the datapad, "Your mother?"

"Yes, Sir.", you sighed and scratched your head.

"I am glad you feel like the First Order is taking care of you."

"Yes. It's the best care.", you smiled weakly and sighed again, trying to forget your mother, "She was always working when I was a child. Never really present when I needed her."

He was looking over to the datapad where your mother's projection had been a few seconds ago, "It was similar for me."

You looked up in surprise, somehow you had never thought that the Supreme Leader had a mother as well. Of course he had but...mhh. Still odd. Might have as well been born from literal darkness.

He chuckled and you turned red.

"That's not fair, Sir.", you mumbled.

He just turned around and went back into his room, "Follow me."

You took a quick look at the clock as you entered. It was already eight. Time truly had passed fast.

He went into an adjacent room, that you hadn't been in before. It was the same like any room on the Finalizer. Stainless steel walls in different shades of grey and black. A bit of plastic here and there. The only main difference was that there were two mats on the floor. Kylo took a seat on one of them and you followed his example.

He looked at you for a short while and because you did not want to stare back you started straightening your uniform again. Eventually you had to look up though, otherwise it would have gotten awkward.

"Should I just do what I usually do?", you asked. Even though it was a Force topic, Kylo didn't really know how to help you. He nodded.

You closed your eyes and tried to fade out of existence, melting into the steel walls of the ship. The longer you concentrated the more you could feel Kylo. He was like a mountain that you could not push against or get around.

Kylo's POV

Kylo threw his helmet onto the bed. It was time for their first training session soon. He had tried to find out more about her ability but it was virtually impossible. Not training her because of his lack of knowledge was out of the option though. Seeing that she had that ability without making use of it would be a strategic disaster.

All the Way (Kylo Ren x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz