The same strong presence you had felt earlier got heavier and closer. You did not even have to look up to know that Kylo Ren was coming. You stood up, told two Stormtroopers what the best way was to hold the woman and stood a bit behind, watching the tall man and leader of the First Order just stand a mere three meters in front of you. His presence was so prevalent that all you wanted to do was hide, you felt like his whole being just took up so much room that there was barely any left for you to breathe.

The woman fell forward and you quickly caught her from hitting the floor. The weight that had been on you was completely lifted and you were once again in that concentrating, meditative state where nothing apart from you and the patient existed. You lifted her back up and checked her vitals. She was weak, no doubt about that, but she was present and she was not going to give up easily.

"Lift her back up.", you said, anger rising up in your voice, "Listen. I told you how to hold her, and to watch out. Did something hit your heads or something? Do I have to carry her myself? Or do you think you are capable of doing that?", you hissed.

The Stormtroopers looked at each other and then apologized.

"Yes, Sir.", one said. You did not even care to bother to correct them. It had happened alot, with your height and the helmet distorting your voice slightly it was no wonder they took you for a man. Not that you cared. If anything they did show you more respect.

The woman smiled weakly, enough to get you to relax a bit. The moment you did however you could feel the same presence again, this time only stronger. You turned around and saw that both General Hux and Kylo Ren were staring at you.

Without saying anything you took a step back again, standing a bit more behind and awaiting further instructions. Trying, once again, to make yourself as small and insignificant as possible.

General Hux looked at the team and then nodded towards one of the engineers. The metal door opened and the stormtroopers entered the tunnel. Kylo got in the middle, after him the woman, you and the rest of the engineers. Your backs guarded by a few more stormtroopers.

You made your way through the tunnels, swiftly eliminating everyone who stood in your way until you finally reached another control room. The non combat unit got to work while the rest waited. A few things beeped, something must have happened, even though you were not exactly sure what and then chaos broke loose.

A round of blaster fired killed the noncombat unit more or less instantly and you quickly hid behind a crate, using your own blaster to eliminate the attacking rebels. Kylo Ren shouted loudly, dismembering multiple rebels who were foolish enough to stand in his way and signaled the rest of you to make your way through a different tunnel. You quickly sprinted towards it. Kylo after you and after him the rest of the remaining stormtroopers.

The tunnels all looked the same, the same metal, a virtual labyrinth for anyone not familiar with them. You could not even tell if you were running in circles because every tunnel looked like any other.

After a while of running, hiding and shooting at rebels, they finally seemed to stop attacking you. Kylo Ren stopped and looked at the rest of the troop. You entered with roughly two dozen stormtroopers plus the engineers. Now you were reduced to less than half.

Kylo Ren talked to General Hux using his helmet, atleast you suspected it had to be General Hux. Your ears were ringing too much from the blasters as that you could make out every word. Apparently they had gotten what they were coming for and the only thing left to do now as leave. Kylo nodded and signaled the rest of you to follow him.

You made your way through the tunnels again, you were unsure of how Kylo found his way through, given they all looked the same to you...but he did. It was odd being so close to him. You would have never thought that you would once be fighting side by side with the Supreme Leader of the First Order himself. His whole demeanor and attire was impressive. He towered over every other stormtrooper, his broad shoulders only making him seem even taller than he already was. His reflexes were far quicker than what you had seen with elite soldiers, and theirs were already impressive on their own. His distorted voice from under his helmet would have sent shivers down your spine if you would not have put your utter and complete trust into him.

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