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You rinse your mouth out after belching out the contents of your breakfast "this is weird..." but as you sat down it dawned upon you. After buying pregnancy tests from the nearest pharmacy, you sat on the toilet panicking; wishing that what you weren't actually pregnant.

"They're all positive."

You sat on the bathroom floor in disbelief. When? You questioned yourself over and over again trying to figure out the last time you had intercourse "(y/n) you still there?" (b/f/n)'s voice bounced off the small bathroom walls "Timothée" "what?" "It was Timothée" "wait...you're talking about the boy IN OUR ENGLISH LECTURE?!" You nod slowly "oh boy, how did that happen?" You hear him/her chuckle quietly in the background "at this stupid party, oh, of course it was at a damn party" "well I'll be damned. Are you going to tell him?" "No" "why?" You rub your stomach gently "because he is...he is...because he doesn't like me in that way and plus, we were both wasted. He doesn't look like he would care for a child; always at parties and drinking, having beautiful women in both his arm and somehow, I got tangled in it" "okay, well I hope you're doing the right thing. I'll be there soon to check up on you."

As you waited, you decided to check his social media accounts which was consistent with parties and women. You close your eyes trying to drift off, thinking of how your life was going to turn out now; a single mum and needing to finish your course (you would probably need to press pause on studies). The stress and anxiety crept up your body, making you fully awake. You just sat there on the couch staring into space, not having a thought in mind.

You decided to continue your course and today was the last day before you go into full mummy mode. You heave a relieved sigh as your professor announces an early departure. "Hey, can we talk?" The tall handsome young man stood above you "about?" He gives you a nervous look "I think you know. Can we go somewhere quiet?" You packed your bag and followed him to the library "okay, what do you need?" "How have you been feeling since the party?" "I'm good" he frowns "come on, answer me honestly" "why? So you could ask me to keep it on the downlow cause you don't want your girls finding out" he stares at you blankly "so you are pregnant" you break eye contact "don't worry, I haven't told everyone that you're the father" "how far are you?" "twelve weeks" he sighs "I'm sorry, I really am" "don't sweat it, you just worry about the next party and girl you're going to hook up with" Timothée moves closer to your face "you think I did it for fun? Having sex with you was not a joke. How many girls do you think I've slept with" "I don't know, maybe too much to count" "two; my ex-girlfriend and you" "and you didn't give her a child, thanks" "getting you pregnant wasn't planned, it was a mistake but now look at you both. Growing and looking so beautiful, I could never ask for anything more" "that's great but you don't have to press pause on your future and don't talk to me like carrying baby is all I'm here for" "I'm sorry and I will pause my future with you, for you and our baby" "thank you but I don't need you and your pity, I don't-we don't need you."

The following week you went to get an ultrasound because it was about time you face your reality. It made you love your baby even more and maybe it was just you're finally having baby fever. Returning home from the clinic you notice the brown curly locks of that one young man "I might have to call the police if you keep hovering around my porch" "sorry, (b/f/n) told me you were going to the doctors today" you rolled your eyes "I guess he/she gave you my address too...do you want to come in?" "I would love to" he hugged you as you both enter the house and this made your heart burn with love "what are you doing?" "Hugging you, is that a crime?" "No, but what are your feelings for me?" Timothée looked at you in the eyes "can we talk about that later? I want to know about our baby" you both sit down on the couch and you hand him a copy of the ultrasound "it's a baby boy" he smiled widely "this is amazing, unreal" he snuggles against your arm "and he's a healthy baby boy" "I'm speechless...I can't believe he is growing right now" he placed the photograph on the coffee table gently "will you let me take care of you and our baby? Please? Before you say anything, I pressed paused on the course, I read plenty of books and did my research about pregnancy and I am one hundred committed on this" he places a small peck on your flushed cheek "I barely party, you don't know who I really am, I only post my party pictures on my main accounts, you never looked at my private ones" he kissed your other cheek "I won't say I'm certain that I'm father material but I will learn before and after our son is born."

You held on his hand and rubbed the back of it with your thumb "but what are your feelings for me? I'm carrying your baby and what will happen after to the three of us when he's born? Do I continue living the life I had before I was pregnant?" Timothée gently plants a kiss on your palm "we will all be together because despite knowing you a little bit for a couple of weeks, I have always watched you from afar, wanting to talk to you and I'm sorry I got you pregnant; I always will be and I'm sorry that this is how we're getting to know one another. But seeing you like this...so full of beauty, I fall in love with you all over again."  

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