Chapter 7

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“What was that?” Tony asked as he put his suit’s mask down.

            “I don’t know.” Steve replied as he looked from the roof to the door. “Nat what’s on the scanners?”

            “Nothing.” Natasha shouted back.

            Another bolt of lightning struck nearby and Scourge turned to face the hatch door Tony was about to open. When he did a tall blonde man carrying a hammer landed with his red, rain soaked cape whipping around behind him from the wind; she had to admit that the guy’s entrance had been good, though she wasn’t about to find out his intentions. The man pushed passed Tony and grabbed Loki, who looked panicked, before flying back out before anyone could stop him.

            “Was that another Asgardian?” Nat shouted as she tried to control the plane and see what was going on.

            “I’ll catch him.” Scourge replied instead of explaining.

            “We need a plan.” Steve reasoned but only succeeded in stopping Tony instead of both of them.

            “I always have one Cap.” She smirked and did a back flip out of the jet before using her suit to glide towards the cliff where Loki and the other assumed Asgardian was.

            “I call Blonde.” Tony called out as he flew passed her, Scourge just gave him a dirty look that he couldn’t see.

            By the time she landed Tony had knocked the blonde man off the cliff and was fighting with him in the pine forest below. Loki seemed to be enjoying himself as he leaned over the side and watched the fighting go on, looking around Scourge found Steve floating down in a parachute towards Tony.

            “Hey if you enjoy that fight so much I could always push you down the cliff so you can join them.” She spoke up.

            “No thanks mortal. I am quite content to watch.” Loki replied, not even bothering to look at her.

            “You stupid Asgardian.” Scourge growled as he once again said the word ‘mortal’. “You could’ve escaped but now you are going to be stuck in a cell where no one will ever hear from you again.”

            Loki let out an irritated sigh and turned to face her, the intense look in his eyes disturbed her slightly and she was glad for the hood blocking her face. “You don’t really want me. You wanted to get you’re mentor… Agent Barton. Well you will never find him, in fact I’ll make you watch with that red head agent in the jet as I slowly kill him.”

            Scourge’s mind went blank and she took out her knife and leapt at him. Loki smirked and rolled out of the way, now she was on the edge and over looking the fight below as the man with the hammer slammed Tony and Steve through the trees. She turned around and threw her knife at Loki, who turned his head to avoid getting hit. He scowled at her and kicked her onto her back where she lay stunned for a few moments.

            “Pathetic.” Loki hissed. “I should end your miserable life right now.”

            Scourge shook her head to clear it before standing back up, she was about to attack him again but Tony had flown up with the blonde man carrying Steve up with him. Loki glared at them but didn’t make a move to attack, which confused Scourge though she didn’t allow it to show. Natasha came down in the jet and they once again took off for the helicarrier.

            “So who are you?” Scourge asked finally.

            “This is Thor.” Tony told her.

            “I wasn’t asking you Stark.”

            “I am Thor Odinson. I have come her to stop Loki.” Thor told her.

            “At least you’re on our side I guess.”

            “Yeah, we could use your help.” Steve agreed.

            “So who are you?” Thor turned his gaze back to Scourge.

            “That is information for me alone to know.” She hissed.

            The rest of the way back was silent, Steve had drifted off into sleep while Tony kept glancing at each of them as if he were trying to figure out if his life would be in danger if he started talking or blasting music, which it would be as Scourge was willing to slit his throat. Natasha finally landed the jet and a group of guards came out to take Loki to the holding cell while she left to rest and the other two went to tell Fury about Thor’s arrival. Scourge decided to follow Natasha’s example and went to her room, her head was still spinning slightly when she moved too fast and she was pretty sure there was a bruise from where she’d landed on the steps courtesy of Iron Man. All she wanted to do was get cleaned up and sleep, which at least for now would be fine, unfortunately the next day she didn’t think that would work out too well.  

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