Chapter 7

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hi everyone! sorry for the late update i've been really busy. i really should be starting an essay but i procrastinate...i've finished season 3 already and i wanted to update my stories both this one and my oneshot story! so here's chapter 7, i hope you all enjoy!

Anne groaned as the newly risen sun shone on her bright red locks. She could not even describe the mortifying feeling she felt realizing that it was Gilbert's first day working on the Cuthbert farm. She turned on her stomach and plopped her head on the pillow. She sighed and took to her closet to change into her dress for the day. Anne smoothed the dress she had on and left her hair back. She blew loose locks away from her face as she headed down the stairs.

"Marilla, do you need any help baking today? Your plum puffs yesterday were absolutely scrumptious!" She called out as she hopped down the last step. 

She smiled, expecting the warm smiling face of her dearest Marilla but slowly frowned when she she realized who was standing her place.

"Gilbert Blythe, why are you here so early?!" She raised her voice, startling both Gilbert and Matthew.

"Hello, Anne," Gilbert greeted, smirking at her up and down as he focused on her disheveled hair.

Anne gulped and looked at the ground before facing Matthew.

"Well, g-good morning Anne," Matthew stuttered as he turned from Gilbert, wiping his already soil-covered hands on one of Marilla's good kitchen towels.

"Good morning, Matthew," Anne cleared her throat, "Would you know where Marilla is?"

"She took her leave an hour ago. Off to Mrs. Lynde's," Matthew explained.

Anne nodded as she glanced at Gilbert again. 

"Gilbert, take a rest for a moment or two and venture to the farm when you're finished," Matthew said looking between Anne and Gilbert as he took as he walked out the front door.

Anne watched Matthew leave, turning to Gilbert and noticing the dirt stained on the Blythe boy's knees as well as his tousled hair and sun-kissed cheeks. 

"Already working, I presume?" Anne rolled her eyes as she took a seat at the dining table. Gilbert chuckled and sat across from her.

"Why yes, I've started," he smiled at her.

"Gilbert I don't see how you working here is beneficial for any of us," Anne looked at him.

"Well, Anne, I actually, also...well really wanted to get, um, closer-," he started before a knock sounded from the front door.

Anne looked from Gilbert to the door, getting up and opening the door just to be met with the blue-eyed boy on the other side.

"Oh my dearest Cole!" Anne shouted as she wrapped the blonde haired boy in a huge hug.

"Anne, I've missed you so!" he shouted as he returned the hug. 

Behind them, a confused Gilbert raised an eyebrow at the boy before getting up from his chair and standing further behind Anne. Cole parted from Anne and looked from her to Gilbert, smiling suggestively to Anne.

Anne saw the look he was making and cleared her throat, "Cole, Gilbert is here to help us with some work in the farm."

"Hello," Gilbert greeted.

Cole nodded and smiled at him. 

"I guess I should get back to it," Gilbert said to both them, still raising an eyebrow at the two before shaking his head softly and making his way toward the Cuthbert farm.

"Don't mind him, Cole, please do come in!" Anne greeted. 

Cole laughed at Anne's words as he walked inside. 

"I've missed this place."

"It is a scrumptious pleasure to stand before you again, Cole," she smiled.

"Aunt Jo allowed me to come visit, she's at Diana's place right now. I assume Gilbert's pleased to be here, too," he winked.

"He has to be here! Gilbert Blythe has absolutely no feelings for me whatsoever and never will."

"Were you there to see his face as I hugged you? He did not look happy."

"Well Gilbert Blythe is of no importance to me at the moment, we have so many magical things to discuss!" Anne smiled with glee as she grabbed Cole's hand, racing up the stairs with her arm locked in his.

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