Assignment On Tatooine

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Making their way back to the hangar where a fairly sizable "cruiser". Where Droid Troopers began loading amounts of cargo onto it. While Obi Wan Kenobi and Nilsine Vidholl were seen conversing with one other. Their tones fairly low, among the loud engines of the many cruisers. Master Kenobi's brow furrowed as he listened to the wise words of Master Vidholl. Who's concern for her dear Padawan was evident in the way she spoke of Danaé. Very protective of her, yes. Almost like a mother which both worried and warmed Obi Wan. Knowing how difficult it must have been for Nilsine after the death of Qui Gon. The once outspoken and confident Nilsine had become that of a distant memory. Secluding herself from all, refusing to even speak to soul. Even Obi Wan, who Mace Windu had hoped would beable to talk some sense into his grief stricken ex Padawan.

As Mace Windu feared that Nilsine could perhaps turn to the dark side; unable to cope with the loss of someone so dear to her. Someone for whom she loved so much. It was clear to Obi Wan that the young Padawan Danaé held a special place in Nilsine's heart. A bond. Something that was deemed unneeded for a Jedi Master, and yet here it was. Plain as day, Nilsine with her face holding a stern expression as she continued to warn Obi Wan. "If anything happens to her Kenobi I'll-" Nilsine began her emerald eyes blazing at Obi Wan who swallowed nervously. Once again reassuring the tense Master that indeed no harm would come to her Padawan. "I doubt Anakin will even let her raise her lightsaber. He's perhaps even more protective of her then you." Obi Wan commented, unknown to him his words only increasing the sense of dread within Nilsine. For that was one of the reasons she feared Danaé leaving. That boy. Skywalker. Nilsine did not trust him, nor could she ignore the once speck of darkness within him grow. Surely becoming part of the young man. It was only a matter of time, and Nilsine would not allow her Padawan to witness such a sight.

Deciding that it would be best to voice her opinion about Skywalker; Nilsine opened her mouth to speak. Though quickly she was come to shut it at the appearence of Danaé and Anakin coming the Masters way. The two teens mere inches from one another, fingers interlocked as Danaé nearly skipped infront of Anakin. Boasting that she would best him next time the two sparred. "Anytime Dany, anytime." Anakin said with a confident grin, but that grin fell upon meeting the stern gaze of Master Nilsine. Who was silently scolding the boy for having his hands on her Padawan. Sensing her intense gaze on him Anakin hesitantly released Danaé's hand. The loss of her touch hitting Anakin almost instantly. The bitter coldness, a never-ending chill that traveled up his spine. Accompanying him wherever he dared to tread. Quietly Anakin turned his attention to Danaé who waved for him to follow her. Eager as always. Swallowing a lump in his throat Anakin followed Danaé who stood before Master Vidholl and Kenobi.

Nilsine's face held a very displeased expression upon her face, though she merely said nothing about it. And simply turned her attention to the task at hand. Helping to educate the two young Jedi before her. "We have received intel of a Sith Holocron located somewhere on Tatooine." Nilsine began though the moment the word Tatooine left her lips Anakin's blood began to run cold. Tatooine. His old home. A living memory of his horrible years of servitude. As being a child slave was not uncommon upon the sands of Tatooine. No. It was simply a way of life. The slave trade was wide spread there. Beings from humans to Twi'lek's. All were up for sale as long as one had the credits for it. His breath becoming hitched in his throat Anakin spoke, sounding as if he were out of breath. Shaken. Like the child he once was on that planet.

"I lived on that planet all my life and I never sensed anything." Anakin stated his voice barely above a whisper. Something that Danaé took notice of immediately, sensing the wave of anxiety heavy upon Anakin's shoulders. Wishing nothing more than to ease his suffering, but Danaé knew she could not do so at the moment. Knowing it would be dangerous for others to see the deep bond they shared. Stifling back her urge to act, Danaé stood silently observing Master Nilsine who eyed Anakin lowly. "Being force sensitive alone will not allow you to sense this Holocron. Even a properly trained Jedi would have difficulty; but we have our sources. And thanks to these sources—" Master Nilsine began as she tossed Danaé a small tracking beacon. One that beeped lowly in her grip. "With that you two should beable to pinpoint the location of the Holocron. Bring it back in one piece. That is your mission." Nilsine finished stepping back while Obi Wan took the stage. Choosing now to give the two young ones before him advice. In hopes it would guide them well in their journey.

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