"Um, you and Leo always interrupt the movie by fighting over who gets to wear the Jupiter Jim costume," April retorted.

"It's true. And Leo licked the captain's helmet at one point," Mizuki piped in.

"Whoa! You've never seen the end?" Raph gasped. "That's why you, Donnie and Mizzy don't get why 'Seven Galaxies' is so much better than the movie you like!"


"I hear that!" Both Leo and Mikey clinked their cups of cocoa together.

"Trust me. Our flag totally deserves to be up there," Raph reasoned, now being carried by Leo and Mikey to hang their flag up on the pole.

"Excuse me?" Mizuki asked, rather insulted.

"Mayhem, could you be a dear for us, please?" She looked at Mayhem and winked at him.

Mayhem growled and teleported off of April's shoulders and appeared in front of Raph. The dog-like creature roared and scratched up his face before teleporting him to somewhere high above Leo and Mikey.

As he landed back in April's arms, the two turtles screamed before Raph landed on them. Hallie gasped and shielded her eyes, while April gave Mizuki a high-five.

"Oh, that is fun for me," Donnie stayed and sipped on his drink.

Raph let out a battle cry and jumped off of Leo and Mikey. "Break's over! Game on!"

April threw the first snowball at him, which made him fall and hit the ground.

The teens went back to their snowball fight, which only lasted for minutes before then.

A roar echoed across the park before anyone else could throw a snowball.

"What?" April gasped.

"Did anyone hear like a sick bird or something?" Leo asked, looking around.

"Doesn't sound like a sick bird to me," Mizuki remarked.

Donnie gently grabbed her hand and pulled her close to him.

A large polar bear mutant jumped out from over the hill and landed a meter from the turtles and girls.

"Peek-a-boo, losers!" Ghostbear cackled evilly.

"Ghostbear?!" The turtles, April and Mizuki gasped terrified, with Mayhem squeaking with fright.

"Ooh! Love the new look!" Raph exclaimed, stars in his eyes.

He ran up to Ghostbear and pulled out his phone. "Ooh! Hey, can I get a quick selfie?"

"Oh, every time with this guy," Donnie groaned in annoyance as he and his friends watched Raph take pictures with a bored Ghostbear unamused.

"I'm sorry, you know him?" Hallie asked her blue-haired friend, gesturing to Ghostbear.

"We've had a couple of incidents with him beforehand," Mizuki quietly replied.

"How about a scar to remember me by?" Ghostbear growled, raising his fist.

Mizuki and Hallie both screamed when he went to punch Raph from behind, only for his fist to go through his chest. Raph laughed and took another pic of the event.

"What is this?" Ghostbear gasped as his fists returned to their living form. "I can switch between bear and ghost?"

He chuckled and punched Raph straight in the face, sending him flying against a tree.

The snapping turtle groaned and slid down to the snowy earth.

"Uh-oh," Leo winced.

"Raph, are you okay?" Mizuki asked worriedly.

Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: From Allies to Lovers (being edited)Where stories live. Discover now