"Please call me Tracy." Taking a seat, Lady Anna poured tea in a small delicate cup on a matching saucer. Suddenly feeling self conscious, Tracy accepted the proffered cup but was afraid to drink.

"Would you like cream or sugar?" Lady Anna asked.

"Oh no thank you." Tracy said eyeing the dainty vessel.

"Is there something wrong?" Lady Anna's face was even more frosty than usual.

"Um, no ma'am. I just feel a bit nervous because I've never been to something so... "formal" as a tea... party?" Tracy said licking her lips, "It occurred to me that you probably grew up in a time where everything was done in a certain manner. I really have no idea what to do without completely butchering the laws of 'polite' behavior."

Lady Anna's face turned a few degrees warmer and she waved her hand dismissively, "Do not concern yourself. Simply refrain from slurping and all will be well."

Lady Anna took an elegant sip of her tea and Tracy did her best to imitate her mannerisms. Looking around at the uniformed maids that stood ready to others in the room. Tracy wondered who they were. Noticing her interest, Lady Anna said, "Don't worry about them. They are simply the other members here, we always take tea together."

"Sorry if I was staring."

"Quite alright, do not trouble yourself," Lady Anna said with quite a bit of fondness in her voice, "It's so rare to find anyone that truly cares about trying to hold manners in polite company."

A few minutes later, the door opened again. Jonathan and Gideon walked in together.

"Lord Gideon, you're late." Lady Anna started with a hard tone.

"I prefer to think of it as fashionably late, M'lady." Gideon replied.

"I prefer you not be late at all." she shot back, her schoolmarm demeanor on full display. Tracy briefly wondered if Lady Anna had been a teacher and carried a ruler in the pocket of her long heavy skirts. If Gideon irritated her enough maybe she would pull it out and smack him with it.

"Now, you wish to see your nephew." Lady Anna said immediately getting to the point as she poured.

"Yes, that is correct."

"You have to have permission from a High Royal or counsel to speak to the prisoner."

Gideon pulled out an envelope with an old fashioned wax seal on the flap. Handing it to Lady Anna, she examined the seal before breaking it and pulling out a high quality sheet of paper.

"A release form?" Lady Anna asks in surprise.

"It's complicated." Gideon replied giving a brief explanation.

"Very well then." Lady Anna said. Giving the letter to Ms. Farlow who appeared by her side.

"The fee, M'lady?" Gideon asked.

Lady Anna was silent for a moment as if she were contemplating, "In all the years that your nephew has been here, you have not once come to see him. I can therefore only assume that it is not you but our Protector that wishes to see him." She says looking at Tracy in askance.

"Um, yes?" Tracy said unsure about what fee Gideon was talking about since she didn't have a lot of money on her.

"I've heard that you've been training Omegas in your mate's pack. I was even told that one of your Omegas even took down a Gamma."


"Excellent. Then my fee should be simple." Lady Anna said turning to one of the uniformed maids by the door, "Linda, please summon Cade." The young looking maid curtsied and then left.

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