"Nathaniel what?"

"The head of the Russian crime family, Mikhailova."

"You are asking a dangerous question."

"Please, I need answers."

Finnegan shakes his head, "That man is single handle responsible for over 200 deaths."

"Does he have a family?"

"Family? His man knew nothing when it came to what they couldn't have. They stole whatever they wanted and then broke lives."

Chris looks back at him.

"He was only married once, her name was Athena."

"Like the greek goddess?"

"Yes, like the goddess."

"Then what?"

Finnegan blow the cigar smoke over his head, "Just one daughter, who to this day no one knows anything about."

Chris sits back watching him.

"You know Nathaniel has ties back to the area."

"He what?"

"There is a connection...down in the Russian meat packing district."

"Grandfather, are you telling me that old beef is here?"

Finnegan looks at his grandson, "You should look down there. I hear Range Rovers are a very popular things down there."

Chris narrows his eyes back at him.

"Just watch yourself Christopher."

"Grandfather, I will watch myself."

Finnegan nods handing the cigar over to Chris. "Is this over a girl?"

"What?" Chris takes the cigar.

"You are a little off my boy. You are smart, this case should not be taken you this long and one old man to connect the dots."

He takes a long drag, "It isn't just a girl."

"A woman?"

Chris laughs at him.

"It is."

"Old man..."

Finnegan laughs back at him, "Take her flowers and listen to her story."

Chris glances back, "Even if it means, she is part of it?"

Finnegan stops and looks at him.

Girls Apartment

Harlow just looks at me.

"Please say something."

Harlow's jaw moves a little then closes again.


She groans sitting up from the floor.


"You told the lead detective who you are?"

"I had no choice."

"No choice? Brooklyn! You are a trained Russian operative."

I stand up matching her eyes, "Yea Harlow I know."

"What are you doing talking to a stupid Boston detective!" She shouts as her accent comes out.

I shake my head as I turn grabbing my bag.

"Where are you going?" Harlow asks me.

"I need to think about this."

"Think about what? You.. you did this!"

I close my eyes walking out the door.

District 8 Headquarters

Chris rubs his hands looking over the paperwork as his Captain walks over.


"Hey Captain."

He sits down next to him, "Anything today?"

"It's really quiet."

The captain nods looking around the empty command room, "Go home."

"If I go home, I have to deal with the shit that is there."

"Call the girl, take her out, take her home. Leave."

Chris leans back in his chair when he sees me, "Yea, I will take her home."

The Captain turns around seeing me as I drop my head.

Chris grabs his jacket walking over to me, "Brooklyn, what the hell are you doing here?"

"You wanna get a drink?"

Chris stands there looking at me.

"I was thinking something dark and tall."

He walks over touching my chin, "We need a drink."

Oasis Waterfront

Harlow orders another bloody mary as her salad sits in front of her.

"Alcohol and a salad, what are you still in college?"

Harlow turns around seeing Ana Beckham walking toward her.

Ana sits down across from her, "You look lonely."

"Just needed some time to think."

Ana glances around, "Thinking alone in a very public Russian restaurant?"

Harlow glares back at her.

"Oh I hit a nerve."


"You shouldn't be here alone, it looks bad on the pretty white girl eating alone at a very public Russian when the Irish boys keep ending up dead."

Harlow narrows her eyes as she grabs her knife putting a tight grip on it.

"Ana, darling, what are you doing to the poor girl?"

Harlow looks up hearing that accent.

His hair is short shaping around his face while his smile is crooked.

The scar under his right cheek pulls as he smirks at Harlow.

Ana steps into him frowning, "Baby, I am not bugging the poor."

Harlow rolls her eyes sitting back into her car.

He pulls her tight into him, "Lets go to our table love."

Ana smirks with a soft moan.

Harlow bites her lip to hide the disgust.

He glances down at Harlow before moving away, "My brother says hello by the way."

Harlow's eyes go center on the table then snap back in his direction.

They are gone around the corner and behind the guarded door as she stands up.

His brother?

GraveYard // Chris EvansWhere stories live. Discover now