Can You Call It Love Under the Circumstances

Start from the beginning

Happy. He identified this emotion as he picked up the doctor and the smaller man adjusted himself in his arms, snuggling back into his neck. It bubbled up to his lips unexpectedly. He didn't know why.

"Where are you taking us?" Ryan asked the lab assistant that arrived with security to escort them out.

"Dr. Martin's office. If you stay together, he can go back to work, and we need him. Better for you both to be close until the transition ends, and we figure out what normal is. We set up an air mattress. That's what the General Manager is doing, too. Thankfully, he had an omega from the start. We're scrambling to stay on top of this as it is. I can't imagine if he were out of commission." Dr. Martin's office adjoined his lab on the second floor. It looked like it was recently tidy, but the desk held heaps of papers now.

Ryan expected to see more than the few mementoes scattered about. Dr. Martin seemed the sentimental type. But he hadn't occupied this office long so maybe that was why it looked bare. Their escort set down the belongings they carried and left them saying, "we'll be back with the rest of your stuff as quick as we can. The General Manager wants to meet with you."

They were alone again, and the short move exhausted Ryan. Dr. Alan said they should expect sudden inexplicable moments of fatigue as their bodies were doing the difficult work of transforming. Ryan transferred the doctor to the bed by laying down with him in his arms and slowly adjusting until they were side by side. He meant to get up again but between the sweet scent and the warm body he drifted. He didn't hear the lab assistant bringing the rest of their belongings in.

In his dream—he knew he was dreaming—Ryan brushed all the papers off Dr. Martin's desk and gently laid the man himself across it. He unbuttoned the doctor's lab coat and slowly peeled away each layer of the smaller man's clothing, savoring the view and each sensation. The way the doctor trembled with anticipation. The smooth feel of his skin. His kiss. Kisses never felt like this before. This was not the raw feverish sex they'd had last night. This was tender, he was treasuring the doctor. Each inch of skin precious, each sensation, each expression, he wanted it. But crucial bits of the dream were too vague. He wanted the real thing. He could feel the need growing. The dream felt so close to real. He could hear the doctor moaning and his scent permeated everything.

He came awake slowly to the feel of the doctor rubbing himself against Ryan's rigid cock and moaning in need. Ryan didn't scatter the papers on the desk, but he did throw off the extra bedding and peel back his favorite blanket that was the only thing wrapped around the doctor's body. The doctor whimpered as Ryan paused to take in the view.

The doctor was older but not old. His body, not overweight but soft from a life lived in laboratories, contrasted with Ryan's hard athletic one. It was feminine and wasn't at the same time. The lack of breasts didn't bother Ryan in the least and this surprised him. He loved suckling a sweet nipple and making his partner moan, but the doctor had pretty pink nipples and that was enough. He didn't need large breasts to back them up.

The much smaller cock seemed cute to Ryan, and thinking of the pleasure it gave him, Ryan was happy his partner had one too. He knew how to work this equipment for maximum effect. Behind it, it wasn't a pussy, but it was wet and gaping. Ready to receive him. New anatomy was taking shape. Drawing him in. It was enough. This man in front of him was enough. Enough to satisfy him for the rest of his life. He'd never felt that with a girl. He'd had plenty of fun but never been satisfied to his soul.

This wasn't a choice he made. But he couldn't regret it. And as they made love this time, he realized he would do anything to keep it. It didn't matter that they knew nothing about each other. He would shape his whole life around his mate in order to keep this bond, this treasure. He would become whatever necessary. His own plans and dreams fell secondary to the needs of his mate.

When they finished this time, they both felt mentally clearer than before. "Are you okay?" Ryan asked. "You came to my room and...I know you were out of it, but I couldn't refuse either."

"This is my office," Tom said, confused.

"Yeah. They couldn't keep you up with the alphas. You slept through the move."

"I see. I'm sorry," he whispered, ashamed.

Ryan couldn't bear that expression. He reached out to stroke the doctor's face and draw his attention back. "As am I. But then, I'm not. If you're okay, then I'm okay. And...if everything settles down and my new normal includes you, I'm okay with that too. I...right now I want that. More than anything. I know we're in a weird place physically with the transition. But I want you to know that I want to stay here with you and figure it out Dr. Martin."

The doctor gazed into his eyes for a long moment. "It's Tom. And right now, I want that too. I'm not sure I love you, but it feels like 'love under the circumstances.' I don't want to let it go."

Ryan smiled. "Those are the words I've been looking for Tom. 'I love you under the circumstances.' And I'd like to keep you close and find out if I can keep loving you when the circumstances change. I...I hope I can. I've never felt anything like this before."

"Me too," Tom answered and pulled Ryan close for another kiss. It wasn't heated like their previous kisses. It felt more like the seal on a contract. When they broke apart Tom looked at his desk in dismay. "I think I know why they moved us here. They want me back to work."

"Yeah, they plan to keep us here. And 'the boss wants to talk to me,' or so they said. Are you satisfied enough that I can leave you for a bit?" Ryan asked.

"I think so," Tom answered. "Give me your number so I can text you if I start to feel off. We don't know how long we can be apart. We don't know anything about this serum in humans but what we've learned in the last five days. I need to get to work. Overseeing the human trials was supposed to be my job. The lab wants to cover up this sabotage and the best way to do that is for me to get all the data contained in the proper framework to make this look intentional."

He didn't tell Ryan that it was intentional, and it was him that sabotaged them all. He couldn't return to sanity without Ryan so that would have to remain a secret. He hoped it would never be discovered but if it were, he hoped Ryan could forgive him. He knew now exactly how much omegas need alphas.

Tom pulled on clothes with little concern for what they were and got to work. Ryan watched his transformation from needy omega back to capable scientist and found he treasured this side of his lover too. He put his own clothes back on, entered his number in Tom's phone, and went in search of the General Manager.

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