• Hogsmade •

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Today was another Hogsmade trip.

I was up in my room, searching through my clothes to find a suitable outfit for today.

I eventually decided to wear

I eventually decided to wear

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(( outfit idea ))

*None of these outfits have to be what you wear, I just use them as a reference*

Black ripped jeans, black heeled snow boots and a cosy jacket.

I made my way downstairs and met up with my sister.

As I walked over to were all the students should of been before leaving for Hogsmade, but only a few remained.

I looked around for Amelia, but couldn't see her anywhere. I told her I would meet her here. I don't understand?

I glanced around some more, but it was clear she had already left without me.

"The bitch left without me..." I thought out loud in disbelief.

I spun on my heels and re-entered the castle and decided to take a stroll through the grounds to pass the time.

I walked up the stairs that felt as if they never ended until i saw someone peering out the window between the clock glass.

- It was Harry.

"Hey, What are you doing?" I asked out of the blue, making him jump to my sudden voice.

"Sorry, Harry." I laughed, walking over to him and standing beside him.

"It's alright." He said then looked over at me in confusion.

"Shouldn't you be at Hogsmade with the rest of them?" He asked.

"Yeah, but my sister left without me." I sighed.

"And here I thought I could spoil myself with treats." I exasperated turning to lean on the railing.

Harry stood quietly in thought then turned to look at me as if he had just thought of an idea.

"Maybe you still can..." He trailed off.



Here i found myself underneath Harry's invisibility cloak with him as our plan was to sneak our way to Hogsmade.

"Surely this can't work," I say, struggling to squeeze in.

"It will, I promise,"

We walked across the fresh sheet of white snow, were stood in our tracks, two identical red heads. It wasn't long until they spotted us due to the fresh footsteps we left in the snow behind us.

The twins grabbed a hold of what they thought was just Harry and pulled us with them.

"Clever Harry, but not clever enough-
-besides, we've got a better way." They say.

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