Chapter 28

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Jughead's POV

After I stopped crying Archie and I decided to look for more food. We actually found a lot and we just wanted to leave. Then we heard some voices and we ran to the room with the zombies to hide. I listened to the conversation they had.

"It kinda looks like someone was here" a guy said when I heard his voice.

"yea, a lot of food disappeared" a girl said. She sounded a lot like Betty but that couldn't. The thought about her maked me wanna cry again.

"you think those guys are back" The guy asked.

"No, they would've stayed. And it's been years since the last time we saw them." the girl said and giggled. If Betty wasn't dead I would've swore that was her giggle.

"yeah you're right. Wait, you see that" the guy said and I could hear footsteps coming closer.

"someone opened the door. Do you think they are still here" the girl asked.

"they could be close, the blood isn't dry yet" he said and then I heard the door open.

"what the hell" The girl said. Archie and I looked at each other.

"I count till three, then we run" I whispered and Archie nodded.

"Look we don't want to hurt you" The guy said and walked closer.


"yea, just show who you are. We're not going to hurt you" the girl said.


"I don't wanna shoot" the guy said.

"three" And as soon as I said it we both turned around and started running. We stopped running after I saw who it was.


An: sorry that I'm a week late! I was in Italy for a week. But the internet wasn't working. I published the chapter as soon as I could. Thank you for waiting guys!

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