Chapter 11

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Sorry for the wait, I was just really busy so I pushed this chapter ahead to Chapter 11 as my apologies to you. Without further a do the chapter starts now.

Sapphire was scared they're find out who she was so she forced herself to fly.
'Why is everyone attacking creatures the minute they see them?' Sapphire asked her dragon.
'Because no one knows the beauty of life amd what it holds,' a mysterious voice answered.
'Who are you? How did you get in my head?' Sapphire said confused.
'So you don't reconise my voice, even though I'm your mate,' the voice started to become familiar.
'Max?' She answered back.
'Yeah, just to tell you I'm on my way so stay where you are,' he ordered.
'I can't cause I'm flying,' she replied.
'Then just meet me by the lake's edge,' Max said.
'Ok, see you there,' Sapphire answered.

She quickened her speed so she could get there before anyone saw her again. The lake came in sight and so did a black werewolf. She started to transform back into her human form. The werewolf followed suit to reveal Max.
"You went on a wild chase to escape and if I'm correct you passed onto the rouge wolf territory?" Max said.
"How did you know where.... Oh I get it the mark allows you to read my thoughts so you could sense where I was do to my thoughts," Sapphire replied kissing Max softly on the lips.
"Didn't expect that but come with me back to the mansion!" Max said with a micheavous smirk.

They were running through the tree's until they were walking through the mansion, a door ahead of Sapphire was very familiar, as Max opened the door he pushed Sapphire onto the bed. Scarlet red decorated her cheeks as she felt Max's breathe on her neck. He placed small kissed along her neck line as he made his way to her sweet spot, nibbling at it he bite down leaving a mark. Afterwards, he layed down by her as the red mark faded away by a blue light of swirls. Slowly, both Max and Sapphire fell asleep as Max secured his arms around her protectively.

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