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Sup fuckers!

Ok. . . Maybe that was a little to harsh. . . Eh, deal with it. You've reached the end of this book, reading about 14839 words. Not including double checking and this chapter and the first one labeled 'Introduction'. So yay! Now this is to wrap things up -not really, I have no idea what I'm doing- and to end this book with a little fun. This little part got to me and is about me. . . ? I have no Idea, it was past 1 in the morning and there's something insanely wrong with me at that time, or anytime honestly.

- Behind The Scenes -

Error stared at the script before him, coffee mug in his other hand. The Author was standing in front of him, sweating slightly. "Are you serious?" The Author nods feebly. "Your wanting me to be pregnant by Blue but in the end shipped with Ink. . . ?" The Author nods once more. "Well, your the main character of the set up sooooooooo yes?" The Author winces at their high pitched voice.

"And what if I secretly love Nightmare. . . ?" The Author freezes. "W-well, uh, I-I, uuh. . ." They started to stutter out apologies. "Whoa! Calm down kid. I was just teasing ya." The Author looks at him, Error looks back.

The Author mumbled something under their breath, something Error wasn't able to hear. "What was that?" The Author was about to grab the script until someone hugged them from behind.

The Author started to freak out and thrash around. "Hehe, I got them again." The Author stopped and groaned. "Ink. . ." Ink let go. "Yo Ink, check out this script!" Error said, flashing it around. Ink went over and looked at it. "Pregnancy?" Error nods. "Yea, basically I get pregnant with Blue's child but then I supposedly fall in love with you." Ink hums, taking the script.

"You did another one?" Ink asked, glancing between The Author and the script. "N-not really. A friend of mine made the story, I just took it and enhanced it, that's all." The Author shrugged. "Ah, I see, so you guys made it together?" Ink started to flip through the pages.

"No. They made the original copy and already made both book, finished and published. I'm just taking the storyline and making it to my writing style and more detail I want to add." Ink hums, handing it back to Error. "Dude, it says at the beginning were enemies, hilarious." Ink snorts.

"It's not that un-common dude. Were enimes before this, of course when people write about us it's most likely going to be based off our past and into an alternate reality." Error rolls his eyes, taking a sip of coffee. "Did you tell the others yet?" The Author shakes their head. "No, I didn't even know if Error would agree, and I kind of need him to do so. . ."

Ink nods. "Well Ruru, you gonna do it?" Error scoffs. "I told you not to do that. Just because our crazy author ships us together doesn't mean we are. Now get that in your head Ink. Besides, I ship you with someone else." The Author flinched at the comment. "And yes, I'll be the mother who had sex with. . . Let's see. . . Outer. . . Ink. . . Aaaand rapped by Blue! Who knows. There might be more."

"Hey now Error, your making The Author figity again." Error looks over to see the Author blushing and messing with their black and white scarf. "Hey Author?" They look up. "I've always wondered, what's your gender?" The Author blushed.

"That's none of your concern, I'm going to go talk to the other, well even need Palette, Paperjam, and Gradient. All ship children of Ink." They sigh. "And I thought I was the slut." Error snickered. Ink smirked and leaned over to him. "Two of those are yours and mine~" Ink whispered. Error just shoved him away as if it were normal. "Stop, your going to make The Author have a nose bleed. . . Again. . ."

Ink sighed. The Author left to go discuss other shit with the others. "Error?" Error hummed, talking a sip of his coffee. "Who do ship me with? I mean you say it all the time when I give you a Nick name or try to seduce you." Error rolls his eyes. "I just see that you can make them happy more then you will me." Ink stares at him in a weird way. "But your the only one for meee!" He wines, trying to hug Error.

Pregnancy (ErrorInk) ~Book One~ || COMPLETE ||Where stories live. Discover now