Chapter 1

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Matthew tugged on a cow lick, smoothing his hair except for his signature curl. He was feeling very exhausted even though he had just awoken. He stared at himself in the mirror his eyes looked a little puffy too. 'I wonder if I'm coming down with something.' He thought before being distracted from his appearance by a tug on his pajama pants leg. "I'm hungry" Kumajiro stated. He bent down and scooped the bear up into his arm. "Mmm, you're warm." He said hugging the fluffy polar bear close. "Who are you?" Was the reply he received. He answered in an exasperated whisper "I'm Canada" as he started down the hall toward the kitchen to make pancakes for the two of them, with maple syrup of course.

He could hardly finish half his pancakes before handing the rest over to Kumajiro, who gobbled them up happily. He stood up with too much effort and stumbled out of the room to get dressed for the day, without even cleaning up the kitchen. 'I'll do it later' he told himself as he opened his wardrobe and stood there staring for a bit too long before grabbing the first sweater and pair of jeans his hands touched. He tossed them onto the bed and flopped down next to them. He pulled the sweater on over the long sleeve t-shirt he had slept in and stared down at the pants blankly before flopping back over onto his pillow and grabbing his phone off the night stand. He flipped to his calendar and reevaluated if anything he had planned really needed done today then crawled back under the covers with a shiver letting the jeans fall to the floor. 'I'll clean up later' he again told himself as he drifted back to sleep.

He was awoken what seemed like moments later by something heavy sitting on his feet. Kumajiro had crawled into bed with him after finishing the pancakes and was curled into a ball on his owners feet. Matthew blinked looking over at the clock. It was already afternoon! He sat up much too quickly giving himself a head-rush and falling back to his pillow hands on his head wincing. So instead of getting up he reached over to the night stand and once again picked up his phone. He was missing his brother and wanted to call him. Matthew flipped to Alfred's number and stared at it for a few moments before deciding he didn't want to be a bother & pressed the text message button instead. [Hey Al, i um well i just missed you and was wondering if you could come over] he hit send then began typing again this time with no intention of sending the message [I love you so much, i wish you would notice me as more than just your brother.] He set the phone back on the night table and went back to sleep. A while later Kumajiro woke from his nap and crawled up to the night table to check for some sweets. He saw the phone and flipped it on plopping down on his plump behind. He read the message and decided to intervene before he went off in search of food. Matthew woke up feeling much better. He turned to grab his phone to text Alfred to never mind and noticed it was not where he left it. His phone was now laying on the bed. He flipped it on and was filled with horror to see that the sappy message he intended to delete had been sent to his brother. He flopped back on the bed pulling the pillow over his face and sighing into it. "What am i going to do." He worried himself about Alfred's reaction the entire rest of the day as he went about cleaning up.

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