Chapter 3

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After that things started to happen in a blur. After Bob dismissed us Kaiju brought me to the mess hall where he then told me that he was a samurai warrior who died over 300 years ago and was banished to the depths of hell. By the looks of it I wouldn't say he was older then 16.

"So you died in 1714?" I asked as we ate. The food actually wasn't that bad.

"Yeah, I was born in east Asia and moved to Britain when I was 8."

By the looks of this guy I could tell that he was hiding something but I didn't want to push my luck. As we ate I couldn't help but feel that something was watching me. As I turned around that's when I saw a tall slender being with beady eyes and a crooked smile, as I sat in terror Kaiju pulled out his sword and sliced the monster in half. I admired his sword, it looked as dark as the night.

"Come we must train," Kaiju said.

As we walked into the arena there were weapons all around. I tried my luck with the bow, as I notched the arrow and took aim but couldn't hit any of the bullseyes.

Suddenly a voice interrupted, "It's ok, Rome wasn't built in a day." I turned around to see death standing in the corner. "Bob sent me to help you train,"

For some reason I felt better now that death was here, he was the only one who seemed to understand me.

"Now come" he said,

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